I am also questioning what to do with my routine. (All times I talk about below are time in the tube; I jelq and massage/rub between every set. I usually always pull no less than 3 sets and most times pull 5 sets.)
I’ve been pumping quite religiously since May last year. On average, I pull about 41 minutes a session. Many sessions are between 30-40 min, some are 40-50, while seldom do I go over 50 or push 60 minutes. But when I do go beyond 50 minutes its amazing! By 30 minutes I’m quite big and floppy, really swollen.
But lately I’ve been trying to avoid edema. I get a pretty decent donut on foreskin now when I go beyond 45 minutes. And I can’t decide if my issues with this are pressure or time. (Oh, and I sometimes get spots but can go 50 minutes with none at all versus sometimes going just 10 and getting spots, I don’t know what causes them, I think it depends on if I’m getting erections and playing around for part of the day before my pump or if I’m taking my vitamins, etc.).
I never, ever, pump past 5hg. I’m usually between 4-5hg. I start out with 5 to 15 minutes of low pressure, usually around a 3-3.5hg. I just feel like once I surpass 4hg then I’m “really” starting to pump. I know that at 3hg I’m still pumping and the vacuum is working and doing what it’s supposed to be doing. It keeps a seal nicely too. But, I just like the slightly higher pressure.
But is 5hg really too much pressure? Is 4hg? Will I just wind up with a donut regardless of what I do pressure or time-wise? I’d really like to get a pump in that’s 75 minutes or more. I’ve heard the wonderful stories from so many members here and pumpers on other channels that say the long, hour+ sessions are the bread and butter and its the way to go. I also feel like I’m a well seasoned pumper at this point, I have never had a blister or a bruise, my spotting is usually light and gone the next day, and my donuts fade in 6-12 hours.
I have a 2”diameter tube and a 1.75” and I pump more with the smaller. I start with the bigger tube and move to the smaller one for the duration of my pump session. I have heat from rice socks on the small tube constantly. I am extremely close to packing the smaller tube, if a fully packed shaft is 100% then I’m at like 90% at the end of my best 45-55minute pumps. My cock is like 5.3” inch diameter, length is 7.8” unpumped and a tad over 8”inches pumped. I just feel like I could get bigger with more time, but I’m scared of edema and other issues!!
Thanks for any and all advice! Can’t wait to hear from the forum on this one :)
What say you, gurus of Thunder?? What should I do? Pressure no greater than 4hg or even less for over an hour? Use only the bigger tube?