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Which pump system do you use and why

Which pump system do you use and why

I'm hoping a mod can move this to the pump forum.

As a newbie I’m interested in finding what may be the best pumping system (/brand) out there - so just wondered, which pump system do you use and why? And if you were to do it again, would you choose another?


Originally Posted by UKDude
I'm hoping a mod can move this to the pump forum.

As a newbie I’m interested in finding what may be the best pumping system (/brand) out there - so just wondered, which pump system do you use and why? And if you were to do it again, would you choose another?


I use the mustang available in the UK -

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I have a mustang, and also a Thickwall cylinder. The Thickwall cost less than £10 more (free postage in UK) but is in another universe as far as quality is concerned. I also use a metal Colt pump which I got for £30 or £40 somewhere on the internet, I can’t remember where. Again, good quality kit.

I used to have Joel Kaplan pump and it just got broken after 3 month. Very low quality. I got it on Ebay for 89$.

I’m interested in this question also, anyone know good quality pumps state side?

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by bold
I used to have Joel Kaplan pump and it just got broken after 3 month. Very low quality. I got it on Ebay for 89$.

Hmm I was interested in buying the same pump via EBay but after this I’m 99% sure ill take a look on the Mustang pump offers. I heard a lot of good things About the Mustang pump, and the look “professional”.

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

I know this thread is a little old, but I just ran across it and thought I’d list the pump I’m currently using. I’m a newbie at pumping (only been doing it for a few weeks) and I use the “Mr. S Complete Pump Kit Featuring 9” Oval Cylinder” which I bought at their site:

I like the shape of the oval cylinder and the silicone sleeve helps give a tighter seal so I can keep my scrotum from being sucked in. A few years back, I once got a pump without a gauge and of course figured out immediately that it was a waste of time and money. The waste of money sort of put me off the idea of getting a pump for a really long time. I few years later, I started entertaining the idea again and started to do my research. This kit ended up being the most affordable way to get a good quality pump. I heard great things about Mr. S Leather’s pumps and I buy other things from them all the time. I’ve visited their store in SF and I’ve never seen them carry a bad product. So, when I finally was able to afford to buy a pump and have enough money left over to buy a different one just in case it turned out I bought crap, I just went for it. It ended up being a great purchase. I haven’t really felt a need to search for another pump since this one arrived in the mail.

Unfortunately however, it didn’t come with a manual. That was the major downside. It took me a while to figure out what pressure to use, and figure out the mechanics f pumping. But from what I’ve read on other threads, most things written in pumping manuals are bad advice anyhow. They just tell you how to pump in general, and not tell you how to pump to reach certain goals.


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