Would it be possible...
…for me to carry out a pumping routine for a few months and then return to (and gain from) a manual routine?
Would it just toughen up my unit too much for manual PE and also cause me to lose any possible gains I got from pumping when I’d go back to the manual routine?
I’ve only been doing some basic manual stretching and jelqing with some quick ventures into some of the more advanced exercises, clamping, ADS wearing and pumping.
But I think I have some gain potential in a manual routine, even with basic manual stretching and jelqing since I haven’t been too consistent.
Logic would dictate that I should just exhaust all of my gains from manual PE and then start pumping but when I tried pumping
for a while, I fell in love with it and want to do it now. On the other hand, I don’t want to mess up any potential gains because of it.
So, it’s like a Mexican standoff - pumping vs manual PE.
One idea would be to incorporate a manual stretching routine with pumping. Maybe that would work. Then I wouldn’t actually need to stop pumping.
What do you guys think? Would it be possible or is it “once you pump you CAN’T go back”?