4thehealthofit's Routine

Warmup with a warm rice sock
Penis massaing (slide my hands up my shaft and then rub my hands together lightly like making a fire)
—7 mins—

10 wet jelqs adding 5-10 every week.
50 kegela
—10-ish mins—

Cool down by massage, I prefer to ejaculate after also, saves me time and is rewarding.

Plans for future:

Add tunica stretching after 2-3 weeks. I have a 5-6:00 LOT so not sure if I will add downward manual stretching.

Add in dry jeqls during “on” days.

Add jelq squeeze for girth.
Imported from old PE database

Start: 5-22-2015 NBPEL: 5.0" EG: 4.06"

Goal: NBPEL 6.00", EG 5.0-5.5"