Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

a ghost tale

a ghost tale

Hi Guys, I’ve decided to start a progress log to gain potential advice from vets on my routine and also to track where I have been right and wrong. I have been performing the newbie routine on a casual basis for the last few months without any real progress. I incorporated some squeezes and uli’s at the end of my routine today which seemed to give me a lot more expansion. I think my jelqing technique is now eventually sound. Wish me luck !

-5 min warm up
-35 second stretches (L,R,U,D,O) ( LU,LD,RU,RD, BTC)
-190 wet jelqs ( 70 % eq)
- 3 x 30 sec squeezes
- Edging with some ulis
- 5 min Warm down

- No Morning Wood
- Erection quality is definitely better
- Fuller flaccid hang
- Slight ache after session but subsided

A slight change in routine
- 5 min warm up
- 1 minute stretches ( in all directions) increase stretch as time progresses
- 90 dry jelqs ( more effective)
- 2 min ulis
- edging
-5 min warm down

- potentially overtrained, penis was cold after training until i edged tonight
- only allow ejaculation once a week
- i may have put too much pressure on head while stretching
- absorb new information everyday on forum

Im just from holidays and hadn’t came in a week. My erection level was excellent throughout the session without the need for porn.I increased my session to 100 dry jelqs.

Good luck, Ghostman!

What’s your PE schedule like? As in on/off days.
Any gains?

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

Hi SoundSoul, I’m working on a 2 day on 1 day off basis.

I haven’t measured in a few weeks but my flaccid hang and erection quality are improving. I followed your progress thread, impressive log and congratulations on the results.

Would you have an advice for someone like myself ?

I don’t think I will update this log on a daily basis, I will highlight below the basis of my recent workout below.

- 5 min warm up
- 1 min stretch on below stretches. This includes the btc stretch and the out straight stretch.
- 30 second stretches on the sides and on the upward stretches( I didn’t keep for a minute as they don’t seem as beneficial)
- 105 dry jelqs
- No warm down instead a massage

Observations (1) Stretches- Following Marinera advice I start the stretch light and gradually built them up to a stronger hold, holding behind the glans with foreskin retracted
(2) Dry Jelqs - This has been a relevation for me, I can feel the blood moving. I’m increasing them by 5 every week
(3) Warm down - I seem to turtle afterwards so decided to leave it.

Questions (1) Any beginners using an ADS wrap on cockring after the workout, I’m just concerned when i lose my pump after the workout, my potential gains are diminishing ?

That sounds great, I’m on the same schedule and it works well for me. How do you like it?

Congratulations on the flaccid hang and EQ improvement! I appreciate that, thank you.
As far as advice goes, all I could really say is to read up around here. Try this: Important Newbie Info

Good luck, I’ll be following your progress.

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

I have increased the volume of my workout slightly :

- 5 min warm up
- 1 min hold in each direction x 10 (10 mins)
- 110 dry jelqs ( my grip is more overhand now, concentrating on the sides a lot more)
- 5 min warm down
- 2 hour wrap afterwards ( No positive effect)

- I rely too much on porn to maintain eq, an issue which needs addressed
- My jelqing motion has improved, i plan to increase the reps by 5 for every workout
- I need to do more research into stretching
- I will try a cockering soon next as wrapping was unsuccessful

The basis of my workout still is the same

- Only stretches in a downward direction now as I feel these are only effective with me
- Each stretch is a V Stretch, I also do an A stretch now. Each last a minute.
- I increased to 120 dry jelqs
- I use a ricesock before and after my workout. Also between stretches and jelqs

- My flaccid hang is far superior after finishing the session with masturbation.

Ghostman, I’m not a veteran to PE so I hope you don’t mind me posting. But I ordered some Flaccid Jackets based on my research here, with the thought of maintaining the post workout state better. Perhaps it may be worth your consideration.

I decided to begin my log again of progress, I’m operating on a 2 day on 1 day off schedule. The routine is one I was given during my time at Big Al’s me coach. It consists of a warm up, Squeeze’s( 5 second hold’s), side-side stretches and edging to finish. Im currently on 25 squeezes and 250 stretches, if you can imagine a pendulum each movement counts as one.

I’ve decided to stop Pe’ing to porn, my erection quality isn’t of sufficient standing, I’m using cialis ( once every three days) to combat my lack of eq. I feel this may be a mental issue rather than anything organic as I’m only 23 years of age.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


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