Abbelito's Routine

Started this routine 2013-12-13:
30-60 seconds v-stretches and/or 30-60 seconds inverted v-stretches after each time I pee. Time depends upon how much fatigue I feel.
Around 5 minutes of light jelqing everyday.
Every other day I decrease intensity in the stretches and pump for 2x10 minutes(with out gauge, very light) with light jelqs in between.

Before that I’ve tried some hanging with a poorly homemade hanger, the newbie routine, the linear routine, mem’s (something something) routine and a lot of other stuff. I’ve had a hard time staying consistent until now. I think this is the longest I’ve stayed consistent so far. We will see on the 13th of January if this new routine has given me any gains. If so I’ll stick with it.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database

From Abbelito to Abbegrande

Start: BPEL 6.89, MEG 5.31

Now: BPEL 7.48, MEG 5.31