About routinetimerepetitions
Hello! Have some questions about routine, tried to search in every forum here but can’t find, so here’s start:
-Started Stretch + Jelq for 1 month doing 1 time for each Stretch exercise, during 30 seconds each movement.
-Starting the 2nd month, added to the exercises 10 seconds for Stretch’s and Jelqs, doing 1 time again for each movement.
Question: I do all stretch’s and jelqs movement for 30 seconds only 1 time. Do I need to repeat to increase the gains?
Also doing a routine one time per day its good right? Or do I need to repeat again on the same day? (Don’t see advantage doing this)
I’m new to this but I was seeing this forum 4 years ago, only now have a dedicated time for this.
PS: Didn’t measure before but it was 5.7”, now I’m seeing around 5.9”, don’t measure girth yet.
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any errors or mistakes on post!