Hey !
Thanks 32quarters for the site! I learned a lot of things on this forum
I’m giving an update on my situation,
I’m still struggling to get my length back from my surgery, so I’m still 6.5 in length and 5 in girth, I’m only doing stretches,
I have stitches in my penis, so I avoid Jelqs as they are invasive, it’s a shame I would have liked to take in circumference but I have read that some stretching in stitches can help with that.
I’m looking for a surgeon who can correct my remaining curvature and especially get rid of the fucki** stitches, in Europe we didn’t have any surgeons with a high number of surgeries and a high success rate so I’m looking at the USA and in particular Dr Gelman at UC Ivrine, A guy on this forum had his surgery as well and had a perfect result (I saw pictures), he was then able to do traction and jelq without any problem, so I envy him a lot because I really hate my curved and painful penis because of my scar that my former surgeon left me. .
I’m not giving up hope and I’m continuing my stretching sessions and having a normal penis, I’m also doing injections against my scar, my next surgery will be able to correct the scar but I want to avoid losing as much skin as possible because I was circumcised during my first surgery, so I’m also restoring my foreskin
My first goal is 6.7 x 5 (I’m almost there)
And my second and final goal before my second surgery: 7x5
I have not yet set a date for my next surgery but it will surely be next September - October if I can finance my surgery
I’m sorry I told my life 😅, here is my routine :
Warm up in the shower or against a heater, but I definitely prefer to warm up my penis in the shower, it’s very nice
Then I do 1 hour of stretching, straight down, up and to the right (because my dick is pointing down and to the left I don’t want to accentuate the curvature) Each stretch takes about 5-6 minutes.
I do 2 days On / 1 day Off
I had some questions:
- It happens that in the middle of a session my penis cools down a lot, so I heat it up again, but is this a sign of overtraining or can I continue like this?
- I’m very, very careful about the pain because of the state of my penis, I never have any pain except for the ligament pain I feel after my stretching session, I’ve always had that since I’ve been doing traction, it’s never really made me stop but I’ve read that the pain was a phenomenon of unproductivity, I’ve tried different types of stretching and positioning during the traction, I always have that
I’m sorry for my novel 😅 , my case is really particular, if someone wants to bring me indications or answer my questions, that would be really nice!
Thank you guys !