Doing overhead presses again today. Still having problems with the "bob head back out of the way" part. I keep bending my whole upper body back at the hips to keep the bar from taking my nose off. That leaves me with some mild lower back pain after the sets due to improper form.
I got my piece of plastic pipe and tried to practice the proper form. The pipe weighs less than a pound; with no load, the lift is pure form. Same problem.
I think what’s happening is that the dowager’s hump is keeping my from bobbing my head back properly.
The hump really should be dealt with first, *then* work on the overhead presses, but the information I’m getting says six months to a year of correction exercises before the hump is fully dealt with.
I don’t *think* I’m doing any major harm to my lower back given the light weight I’m using. I’m going to go back to the bare bar and drop the reps while I work on the dowager hump exercises. Those are boring and leave me sore for the rest of the day, so I’ve been shirking them.
In good news, I’m now able to keep correct form on the Romanian dead lift more than half the time. It’s amazing how uncoordinated an adult human can be; it’s a simple movement, easy to visualize, but half the time my spine bends forward instead of simply pivoting forward at the hips. I *know* what I’m doing wrong right as I’m doing it, but the firmware in my nervous system has many decades of doing it the other way, and doesn’t want to cooperate. I’m making progress, but it’s slow. No back pain problems due to the light weight, even though I’ve been adding a bit almost every session.
My form on curls is correct, or close enough. They’re almost enjoyable now. Not enjoyable at all with a straight bar instead of the curl bar, though.
Bench press form is also OK. No elbow pain at all. Some crunching in the right shoulder, it doesn’t show up with the machine, but the machine guides the movement, while you have to stabilize things yourself on the bench. No pain or soreness after the sets, so I slapped another 5 pounds on for next time.