Arbigguy's Routine

7-2-08 Just starting up here. I used a pump for 4 months about 10 years ago and gained approximately 0.5 inch. I have a new boston pump and autoextender on order and hope they arrive soon. I have a complex career, share custody of my 15 year old son, and a girl friend (not aware I am starting this) that I have to schedule workouts around, so I am piecing together my routine. I am familiar with stretching but have never performed them consistantly. Will update details of my routine as I get them defined.

7-7-08 Experimented learning the different exercises and started the following routine today.
5 minute heated cloth warmup
Stretches - two set each with 30 second count - Up/Right/Left/BTC/Rotating - took about 20 minutes.
Jelq - wet, 100 strokes at 2 seconds per stroke.
Keleq - 100 with 5 second hold time.
I will continue with this routine for 2 months
Awaiting Auto-Extender and Boston Pump, I will up date the routine as it develops and the new equipment is added.

Start - BPEL 6.75 EG 5.5 FL 5 EG 4.75
Goal - BPEL 8.0 EG 6.0
Devices Used
Boston Pump
Imported from old PE database

7/02/2008 Start BPEL-6.75, EG-5.5, FL-5.0, FG-4.75

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday. (JW)