Badfish's Routine

Starting Phase: mostly pumping
-Pump up from 5 to 15 hg over about 30 minutes (wearing condom) October 2015
-After one month switched to two 25 minute sessions at 10hg
-Tried hanging once or twice during this time.
-Intermittent stretching/jelq
-Switched to spiking from 5 up to 15hg, holding at 10hg (Nov. 2015)

Wrapping Phase: Since Dec. 2015
-Switched due to the annoyances of pumping and due to discoloration and bursting capillaries.
-Started with ace wrap around whole package, have since switched to a cinch-wrap with jelqing.
-Started Cinch-Wrap March 12, 2015
-Cinch wrap consists of tennis-type wristband with a velcro cinch-type strap around the whole package (search “velcro cinch strap”), and toddler-size sock on balls to prevent them swelling.
-Cinch allows fine-tuning and quick operation that was not achievable with the ace bandage wrap, plus more comfort.
-This will keep a 50%-80% erection almost indefinitely when calibrated correctly.
-Wearing compression shorts under pants to hide the bulge.
-Wearing for 8-12 hours a day with breaks every 30min or so to jelq/stretch/squeeze/bend & pee if needed
-Wearing the wristband only at night.

Devices Used
Cinch wrap
Imported from old PE database

Starting: 7.25 BPEL, 5.5 EG (Oct. 2015)

Current: 8.125 BPEL, 6.125 EG (Apr. 2016)