Barbossa's Routine
10 min. warm up with rice sock / 10 min. manual stretches / 3x 5 min. jelq + slinky + 10 min. clamping / 3x 5 min. jelq + 10 min. pumping (4-7 in.hg) / 10 min. jelq + uli #3 / ** All exercises are done under a heat lamp or for pumping with an electric blanket around the tube.
Other Things Used
Devices Used
Vacuum pump
cable clamp
Imported from old PE database
Starting (2013-09): 4.875 BPEL / 4.5 MEG
Now (2016-04): 7.5 BPEL / 5.5 MEG
Happy with the results, but now addicted to PE!