Bbc's Routine

I’ve been PEing for years now, and still haven’t got back to my teenager size (penis was straight up,pressed against my stomach- and my head was fully above my belly button).
I basically stopped a while back, only occasionally pumping and lost length and girth, but not as much as I expected. There is no question about it, pumping keeps you plump.
However, it didn’t seem to maintain the length I got from hanging.

I have renewed my activities, and thanks to the PE Survey stats, now realize that I’m back to my best PE size, although my sizing isn’t as consistent as it was before.
My erect girth varies from 7.0 to 7.5, depending on how close I am to when I pumped. Likewise, my flaccid size is quite variable, with no rhyme or reason to it: length between 7.0 and 8.5 (right now its 7.75 x 6.5) and girth around 6.75(didn’t pump this am). It has been only a couple of months though, so it seems like the penis/ligs do have a memory.
I btc hang ,at the base, 30pds fro 22 minutes;."rest" 11 minutes during which I jelq 100 times with each hand; attempt btc hang, below the head, of 25 pounds(minimum 20)for 22 minutes;"rest" another 11 minutes while jelquing; "hang up" 30 pounds for another 22 minutes, half the time vigorously massaging the inner penis ;another jelq session;pump 20 minutes with a 2 1/2" cylinder while wearing a "toy"silcone sheath(1 1/4" x 4 1/2") to prevent ballooning; a short rest and then 20 minute pump in a 2 1/4" cylinder. I take a day off when I no longer can do a 20 pound hang from below the head.

UPDATE: have had prostate surgery, actually several in a years time, so I have been unable to PE faithfully during the last year. In fact, what little I’ve done is minimal compared to my old routine, and usually only about a month or so at a time.This also affected my body fat levels, since my time at the gym has diminished as well as the intensity. I would swear that I’ve lost 1 1/2" due to internal scaring, but bone pressing tells a different story. So it appears that the years of PE at least cemented in the erect length and girth. I’ve beeen PE’ing a week now, mainly pumping, and saw my flaccid length increase from 6" and girth from a bit more than 6". The larger fat pad is definately reducing the size of the flaccid. There is no way I can resume my previous workouts without years of continuous PE-ing. I now struggle with hanging 10 pounds for 20 minutes by 2 times a session. It seems that I can do 15 pounds for 12 minutes followed with 12 minutes extreme pumping for almost all day (with 45 minutes between sets). I can remember that for the longest time I was doing 3- 20 minute sets of 24 pounds at the head. I cannot see me doing that ever again. Even though I just restarted, the 12 minutes extreme pumping-45 minutes rest and resume (throughout the day) results in a flaccid that keep it’s length& girth 1 business day without repumping,

2nd UPDATE: I had my prostate removed about a year ago, and now need trimix for an erection. my flaccid right after the operation went down to the 5.5-6.00 range, and a trimix erection reach in the neighborhood of 8".pumping I feel safe with, hanging I feel is risky (they cut the urea and then reattached it during the operation.I’m trying traction now using 1"foam pipe insulation (got the idea from an old Hubbard site I believe). Does seem to be increasing the flaccid length. Stretched flaccid only reaches 8.75 on the good days. we will see what happens. Had to stop any supplements that promote testonsterone.

3rd update-actually from a post on pumping::I originally didn’t have a gauge, so I simply pumped until I wouldn’t stretch any more in the tube. wait about 5 minutes and slowly pump til no stretching, then wait again. I started with 3 sets of 20 minutes.without a gauge, I would sometimes pump too high, and end up with water blisters on the head. It would take weeks for them to heal and me to resume pumping. In time I toughened up. Now that I have a gauge, my pumping was from 10 to
15 Hg’s. Didn’t increase the length that much, I found hanging better for that. But it certainly did increase the girth.To stop the donute, I used 1.75 inch tube 2 1/2 " long, one end having a 45 degree slant instead of straight across.That way the shield fits "tightly" under the head.For safety, the tube is paper, covered with cellophane tape to protect it from lube.An hour has resulted in permanent girth gains, without the penis looking deformed. My original penis ring was a golf club holder (for the golf bags),meaning a 1 1/4 inch tube that I couldn’t get off once erect until I came.Over the years my ring size moved up to 1 3/8, then 1 1/2, then 1 3/4 followed by 2.0 inches..I was ready for 21/4 when I had several prostate reaming jobs, followed by a removal. My erect girth size not ring size, depending on the day, was between 7.5 and 8.0 and my flacid was between 6.5-6.75 before the operations and resultantant year(s) without regularly PEing. Still,without renewed regular pumping, my flacid girthhangs around both sides of 6". I need trimix now for an erection, so I don’t think 7.5" is again in the future.
In short, long, high pressure works wonders, but it takes years and years to built up the toughness required
Other Things Used
pipe insulation traction

Devices Used
pipe insulation traction
Imported from old PE database