Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Beginner progress report

Beginner progress report

Hi, long time lurker, first time poster.

I first heard about PE around a year ago and decided to give it a shot, ps I have negligible fat-pad.

EG 4.5”

Short term goals:
EG 4.75”

Mid term goals:
BPEL 6.5”
EG 5”

Long term goals:
EG 6”

For approximately of 3-6 months of ineffective (on and off) PE I saw some newbie gains, perhaps reaching an BPEL 5.6”

I then had a 3 month break because of university exams, and lost all my gains, I was very disheartened.

3 weeks ago I started again, very determined to do things right.

As of now, my BPEL is 5.9” when pushing that ruler pretty hard, so I have regained my gains and then some very quickly. I’m not planning on measuring EL or my EG again until after summer, approximately 3 months away from now, and I hope to see some great gains.

My current routine, is daily where possible, but sometimes things come up:

10 minute bathmate warm up
15 minute jelqs
20 minute bathmate with porn

Somewhere in the day 20 minutes of omnidirectional flacid stretches.

I am currently experimenting with LAS, and seen some impressive flaccid gains - 2” average to 3.5” average.

I have a cheap extender that I have been trying to use. Unfortunately it seems impossible to use right now, as it has a minimum flaccid length requirement that I do not meet. It was not advertised that it had a minimum length requirement, the problem is I instantly slip out because I can just barely fit in at the lowest setting. If I had an extra inch in stretched flaccid length I think I would be fine. Any ideas?



Man good lucky to you

I started last year too and keep going on and off but I still grown like 1cm

I know its a little progress, but now I’m starting that shit for real

And I was addicted to porn and masturbation too, but not anymore

I’m starting my second week now

Anyway mann I just wish you the best

And by the way, sorry for my bad english, I’m from brazil and never did any english language school, all I know I learned in video games and sitcoms ><

Thanks, good luck to you too! :)


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