Belli Devs' Routine
40 dry jelqs while as much erect as possible - 5 minutes
10 manuals clamps of 20 seconds each. I kegel clamp quickly, kegel clamp, etc. five times and on the fifth times I hold it for 20 seconds. This is so as to have a maximal erection. -10/15 minutes
Edge for at least 40 minutes. During that time, I do 2 times 2 sets of 50 short kegels and 2 sets of 20 second kegels at max erection level.
Imported from old PE database
start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)
Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)
Long term goal : 9x7