Ben_Dover's Routine
Well I did P.E on an off first it was maybe
- 5 on 2 off, 200 1-2 sec jelqs then 30 second basic stretches (up, down, straight out, left side, right side)
Then I moved up to
- 5 on 2 off 300 1-2 sec jelqs to 45 secs a stretch
and eventually to
- 5 on 2 off 500 1-2 sec jelqs 60 second stretch
The I stopped and I currently do
- 7 on 0 off, 300 2-3 sec jelqs 60 second stretches (upper left, upper right, straight up, straight out, left side, right side, straight down, down left, down right, behind the cheeks straight back, behind the cheeks to the left, behind the cheeks to the right) stretches are held for 60 seconds.
Imported from old PE database
Never satisfied