Brixlayer's Routine
Heated sock warm up 5-10mins with some light stretching and reverse levels. 30-40min edging/dry jelq/ballooning. Start at a 60% erection doing dry jelqs. Reverse kegel during the jelq and then kegel at the top to hold the blood in. I also grip the base of my penis with my off hand creating a bit of a clamp to hold back the skin and provide some stretch. I do 20-30 jelqs and then edge in between sets(5-10) Occasionsly working up to a near erect jelq. Some days I will do weighted kegels with an erection. I will hang and lift a towel for 20-30 reps I will also do erect lifts where I lay on my back with my penis is against my belly and I lift a wet rag or my wallet or a paperback book away from myself for 20 or so reps. I always end with a 5 min heated sock warm down.
Imported from old PE database