Cheeba's Routine

1: Hot Shower for a minute or two.

2: Warm up: Take pump and Fill with hot water, attach pump to cock and pump lightly for 5 minutes. This engorges my member whilst at the same time warming up.

3: Dry off and then stretching for 5 minutes

4: 10 minutes Jelqing, semi erect/ erect state, using bio oil and vaseline

5: Warm down: same as number 2.

6. Put on extender…So far I am wearing it non-stop between 30-60 mins with no discomfort using a piece of foam wrapped below the glands and the comfort strap around the foam. (PS the extender seems to be working it as I have managed to increment the rods, only a tiny but am getting a good stretch.)

7. Warm down (optional after extender stretch) same as number 2 and 5.

8. Put on noose style cock ring to try and cement gains.

Devices Used
Imported from old PE database

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length