Cockpushups' Routine
i am just getting back into PE. have never been very consistent. discovered PE on thundersplace in 2010 and started jelqing. didnt know what i was doing and overtrained from the start sometimes jelqing for hours. EQ went up but not much gains til i bought an extender and wore it roughly 6 hrs a day for a month or 2. gained half an inch in length from 7-7.5. havent really done much since then used to own a bathmate and use that but i was never consistent with workouts and probably always overtrained. today Sep 1st 2015 going to start a light routine with like 50 jelqs every other day and no stretches for now(add later) will continue this routine and eventually increase reps gradually later up to 100. in roughly 6 months hope to start an extender routine where i use it for 6 months to a year every day. cant start it now due to 50 hr workweek and recent hernia repair surgery. really just looking to start slow, condition my dick, and find the growth sweet spot.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database