Dangermouse's Routine

Kegles - RapidFire pump as quickly as possible for 1 minuite, 5 sets with 1 min breaks between sets
Medium - Hold for 3-5 seconds, rest 3-5 seconds, 5 mins x2 sets
Long - Hold for as long as possible X10
Various stretches 10 mins twice a week
Jelq - 3 times a week for 10 mins
Ballooning/edging - Once a week

Rest days - 3 per week

Start: 4.8 bp (2003)
Goal: 7 x 5.5

girth Measured at base, middle normaly larger (but not accurate enough to measure) and head about the same as the middle

Always warm up and warm down with hot cloth.
Wear briefs most of the time, but am slowly moving to boxer briefs.
Height: 172cm
Weight: 83kg

PE gym 90 day beginner External URLs are not allowed
Warm up with hot cloth 10 mins

Grasp at base palm towards belly button, helicopter shakes
OK grip behind glans stretch to the left, 25 kegels
pull straight out and circle left x 10
Grasp at base palm towards belly button, helicopter shakes
OK grip behind glans stretch to the right, 25 kegels
pull straight out and circle right x 10
Grasp at base palm towards belly button, helicopter shakes
Stretch straight out, 25 kegels
Grasp at base palm towards belly button, helicopter shakes
Stretch straight up, 25 kegels

50%-70% erect wet jelqs straight out 3 to 4 seconds per rep x 50 reps
V jelqs x 30 reps
3 sets each

Warm down with hot cloth 5 mins
2 days on 1 day off
Find out how to do reverse kegels during off day
Use this routine for the month of September 2015

Newbie Routine https://penis-e nlargement-manu … ie-routine.html

Hot cloth 5 mins
Stretch 30 seconds x 10
Jelq 10 mins 3 sec strokes
Hot Cloth 5 mins
Kegels x 50 5 second hold

BTC - Between the cheeks stretch, pull penis between bum = mangina hold for 30 seconds
Downward stretch targets ligaments
Upward stretch targets tunica
sideways stretch targets ligaments
Rotation stretch

Other Things Used
Ballooning, Edging
Imported from old PE database

Goal: 7 x 5.5