Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Documented from Day 1 - Newb Routine and Beyond

Documented from Day 1 - Newb Routine and Beyond

Hi guys,

Long time lurker, many time starter and also many time quitter of PE.

I’ve known about PE for a long time but for many reasons I’ve never got round to doing it properly (excuses excuses!) That’s about to change.

I’ve started PE many times and never really made it past more than a month usually through carelessness with warmups leading to injuries but now I’m older and supposedly wiser, I figure I can actually make a good go of it. Most importantly I’m going to detail my progress here and also blog it (won’t link the blog until I check with the powers that be that it is ok to do so) so everyone can follow along from the grim beginnings to hopefully a glorious end. Hopefully some people will find it useful as a reference.

Nothing too dramatic to start off my PE career, just a slightly modified ‘newb’ routine, I’ll stick up my measurements, post a few pics and keep you all updated!

I’m a bit iffy with the jargon so far so my apologies if what I’m saying seems ‘dumbed down’ or redundant, we were all newbs once upon a time.

Okily Dokily, without further ado here are the measurements of my junk and my plan for the first few weeks or so:

EL: 5.875”
EG: 5.313”
FL: 4”
FG: 4.188”

Newb Routine

5 Mins warmup (hot shower) + Gentle Stretching

5 Mins Jelqing

50 kegels (3 sec hold)

5 Mins warm-down

First Goal: attain a better level of control over my erections

Maybe people will look at this and think ‘wow that’s even less than the actual newbie routine, that’s not gonna achieve anything’, and to that I say you are correct sir! If there’s anything I’ve learned from my limited PE experience, its that your penis, just like any other body-part, needs time to get accustomed to a new workout so the mantra will be ‘gently does it’ from the get go. I am not looking for growth to begin with, for the first couple of weeks its just gonna be me and ‘wee me’ getting to know each other. More control over the boner in my mind will allow for better quality and quantity of Jelq later on which will surely lead to better results.

Ok, thanks for listening people, now I need to go and play around with my penis.

- JJ

Originally Posted by ThePEBlogger
Hi guys,

Long time lurker, many time starter and also many time quitter of PE.

I’ve known about PE for a long time but for many reasons I’ve never got round to doing it properly (excuses excuses!) That’s about to change.

I’ve started PE many times and never really made it past more than a month usually through carelessness with warmups leading to injuries but now I’m older and supposedly wiser, I figure I can actually make a good go of it. Most importantly I’m going to detail my progress here and also blog it (won’t link the blog until I check with the powers that be that it is ok to do so) so everyone can follow along from the grim beginnings to hopefully a glorious end. Hopefully some people will find it useful as a reference.

Nothing too dramatic to start off my PE career, just a slightly modified ‘newb’ routine, I’ll stick up my measurements, post a few pics and keep you all updated!

I’m a bit iffy with the jargon so far so my apologies if what I’m saying seems ‘dumbed down’ or redundant, we were all newbs once upon a time.

Okily Dokily, without further ado here are the measurements of my junk and my plan for the first few weeks or so:

EL: 5.875”
EG: 5.313”
FL: 4”
FG: 4.188”

Newb Routine

5 Mins warmup (hot shower) + Gentle Stretching

5 Mins Jelqing

50 kegels (3 sec hold)

5 Mins warm-down

First Goal: attain a better level of control over my erections

Maybe people will look at this and think ‘wow that’s even less than the actual newbie routine, that’s not gonna achieve anything’, and to that I say you are correct sir! If there’s anything I’ve learned from my limited PE experience, its that your penis, just like any other body-part, needs time to get accustomed to a new workout so the mantra will be ‘gently does it’ from the get go. I am not looking for growth to begin with, for the first couple of weeks its just gonna be me and ‘wee me’ getting to know each other. More control over the boner in my mind will allow for better quality and quantity of Jelq later on which will surely lead to better results.

Ok, thanks for listening people, now I need to go and play around with my penis.

- JJ


BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"


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