Explosive growth?
I want to start this post by emphasizing strongly that I’m not here to poke fun at anybody who’s having a more arduous and conventional time with growth than I am experiencing. Nor am I here to question the wisdom of the experience gathered in this forum.
Since the end of my growing years I have been fortunate to have an already decent penis. Measuring roughly 6.5 inches BPEL and about 5.25 to 5.5 EG. This has remained constant even throughout previous less serious treks into the world of PE. Always a solid 6.5 BPEL.
About 3 weeks ago I started PE again just on a whim, I had been crunching the numbers on CALCSD recently to see how I placed. I decided that while I was certainly fortunate to be above 80th percentile, wouldn’t it be crazy if I could make it to 99th percentile!? So I decided to take a dive back into the exercises I was familiar with. A few stretches a few short gentle clamps. After the first week I started to get a bit more serious.
To make a long story short. In about 2 weeks of daily sporadic exercises I gained quite a bit. I went from 6.5 BPEL to 7.2 inches BPEL. I am like, shocked, baffled?
I know newbie gains are a thing but gosh I was not expecting this?
My routine isn’t even that intense. I would do 5 to 7 sessions a day, given time availability. Each session would consist of approximately 5 minutes of stretching up down left right etc. Maybe a bit more. Often times a one handed stretch, but sometimes throwing in a second hand on the downward stretch. Usually I shot for about 30 to 50 seconds per stretch direction. Then I would clamp for like five 30 to 50 second clamp sessions with my hand. This routine was accompanied by a few dozen Jelqs as needed to fluff myself up and enhance / restore blood circulation.
Again I’m not here to brag or boast, rather I’m more wondering if I’m a freak of nature, or have some kind of lucky stick shoved where the sun don’t shine? Are these normal noobie gains!? Has anybody heard of this before?