Hello everyone and welcome in my thread. I am FutureBigShock (FBS) and this is going to be, hopefully, my progress log. I hope you all doing good on these hard times!
So, I’ve been thinking if I should start this thread but as it seems I have no other choice. The reason is that other more experienced people can help me on my way.
I started PE again 7 months ago and my results are not the one I hoped for. Let me tell you what I did.
Started at 17.9.2019 and I was going for 3 months of straight manual PE. Doing 2on 1off length routine.
Starting measurements:
NBPEL: 15,3cm / 6,023”
BPEL: 17,4cm / 6,850”
MEG: 14cm / 5,511”
BEG: 15,2cm / 5,984”
width: 4,7cm / 1,850”
BPFSL: don’t know, did not measured (facepalm)
Routine 1st month and half:
-10min heat up
-21min stretching ( stretching into 9 directions{straight down, down west, down east, west, east, up west, up east, straight up, straight out} first three directions held for 3min each, the rest of them only for 2min each).
-50 dry jelqs
-6min stretching (now only 3 directions {straight down, down west, down east}, 2min each stretch)
-50 dry jelqs
-1min firegoat roll
-IR heating during whole routine
Routine 2nd month and half: increased stretching time and number of jelqs, the pattern is same.
-10min heat up
-24min stretching ( stretching into 9 directions, first three directions held for 3min each, the rest of them only for 2:30min each).
-60 dry jelqs
-7:30min stretching (now only 3 directions, 2:30min each stretch)
-60 dry jelqs
-1min firegoat roll
-IR heating during whole routine
After a month I changed straight down stretch for BTC stretch and keep it that way till the end.
Ended at 14.12.2019
BPFSL: 18,4 / 7,244
BPEL: 18 / 7,086 / (+0,6cm)
NBPEL: 15,5 / 6,102 / (+0,2cm)
TEG: 13,5 / 5,314 (Top erect girth, right under the glans)
MEG: 14,5 / 5,708 / (+0,5cm)
BEG: 16 / 6,299 / (+0,8cm)
width: 4,8 / 1,889 / (+0,1cm)
With my last day I get large red dot so I took break for a month. As you can see, there are some gains but nothing serious for three months.
I started again at 11.1.2020 and I was going for another three months of manual PE using the same routine as I did before.
I did not lost anything over that month break.
Routine 1st month:
-10 minutes heat up (IR lamp)
-21min stretching (BTC, DW, DE 3 min. E, W, UE, UW, SU, SO 2 min.)
-50 dry jelqs
-7,5min stretching (BTC, DW, DE 2:30min)
-50 dry jelqs
-1 minute of firegoat rolls
-IR heating during whole routine
Routine 2nd month:
-10 minutes heat up (IR lamp)
-24min stretching (BTC, DW, DE 3 min. E, W, UE, UW, SU, SO 2:30 min.)
-60 dry jelqs
-9min stretching (BTC, DW, DE 3min)
-60 dry jelqs
-1 minute of firegoat rolls
-IR heating during whole routine
-After 3 weeks I changed all BTC, DW, DE, E and W stretches for fulcrum stretches to the same directions and I keep that till the end of whole 3 months. The time for each stretch remained the same depending on its direction.
-I used fulcrum with diameter of 4,5cm / 1,77” and for Straight Down stretch I used fulcrum with 1,2cm / 0,47” diameter and changed its position during the stretch after each minute, so 3 times during the whole 3:30min straight down stretch.
Routine 3rd month:
Changed from 2on/1off to 5on/2off and again raised time for stretching and number of jelqs.
-10 minutes heat up (IR lamp)
-28:30min stretching (SD, DW, DE 3:30min. E, W, UE, UW, SU, SO 3 min.)
-70 dry jelqs
-10:30min stretching (SD, DW, DE 3:30min)
-70 dry jelqs
-1 minute of firegoat rolls
-IR heating during whole routine
I ended at 10.4.2019 and then I’ve been taking measurements every day for a whole weak to get real results.
Here they are:
BPFSL: 18,4 / 7,244 / +0
BPEL: 18,3 / 7,204 / +0,3cm
NBPEL: 15,5 / 6,102 / +0
TEG: 13,5 / 5,314 / +0
MEG: 14,6 / 5,748 / +0,1cm
BEG: 16,5 / 6,496 / +0,5cm
width: 4,9 / 1,929 / +0,1cm
So as you can see there are almost no gains. I am mainly concerned about my BPFSL and that it did not increased during the 2nd three months phase. That is why I started with Fulcrum stretches as I’ve heard that they can help with BPFSL.
Why am I concerned? Because many guys say that your BPFSL should be about 1,3cm / 0,5” longer than your BPEL and that it is the ideal scenario for keeping length gains on the way.
My goal is length, Soft cap would be 18cm / 7” NBPEL, hard cap is 20cm / 7,9” NBPEL. About girth I have no goal since I am happy with it, but I don’t really mind if I gain something on the way to my length goal.
That is also a reason why I ordered vacuum pump and I would like to use it in the next three month phase alongside with manual PE.
The vacuum pump that I ordered have these measurements:
- 22,9cm / 9” long
- 5,5cm / 2,165” diameter (17,28cm / 6,8” girth)
So it should be ideal for aiming length with my current size.
I was planning to take another month decon break and start around 15.5.2020 with next three months phase.
I know, it is long reading but I wanted to be detailed with my routines so everyone can see exactly what I did and then see some mistakes or anything that could help me and lead me to gains. Because now I am little bit upset, I am not gonna lie :D
That is for the first post in this thread. I hope I can achieve some of my goals by posting here what I do and then talk about it with experienced guys. And if it will work, then other guys who are trying maybe can get some ideas from this thread. That would be awesome as well. Stay healthy and have patience, guys!
"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."