Flimflam's Routine
Warm up with rice sock or shower for at least 10 minutes
Manual stretches held for 80 seconds (incremented by 2-3 seconds each week) in all directions (up, down, left, right, straight out, up/right, up/left, down/right, down/left, between-the-cheeks)
All downward stretches repeated (down, down/right, down/left) to encourage length
Jelqing (wet) for 15-20 minutes; 3-4 second strokes; alternating grips; mostly jelq in downward direction
Imported from old PE database
Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.
After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!