Franck79's Routine

I have start with the newbie routine in april 2013 and work it till october at the end I was at 4X5directions stretchs+ 5minutes BTC+30minutes jelq+10minutes squeeze jelq! I decide to buy a air pump and do this 5 minutes warm-up + 2x5directions stretchs + 5minutes BTC + 7minutes wet jelq+ 10 minutes pump 6"HG with IR lamp+ 7 minutes wet jelq + 10minutes pump 6"HG with IR lamp+ 10 minutes wet jelq…got donut and blood point so I stop pumping! I have start Hanging in November 2013 3X20minutes at 5Lb adn work on it till mi-march for quiting Hanging with Ads to cement my gains after I will work Girth with clamp,jelq and squeeze jelq!

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Bib Starter

Imported from old PE database

Start 04-26-2013: BPEL: 7", MSEG: 5 5/8. gain till 01-10-2014 BPEL: 8", MSEG 5 7/8. 4 years Brake.

Start #2 01-17-2018 BPEL: 7 5/8, MSEG: 5 7/8

NOW: BPEL: 8 1/4", MSEG: 6" . Goal: 9x6.5"