Gambit's Progress Thread
Restarted my PE journey four weeks ago, I’ve done PE on and off for a few years: This is the most consistent I’ve ever been in both routine in the recording of it.
WEEK 1-4
My routine actually began with pumping and jelqing, then pumping, hanging and jelqing.. and ultimately became hanging and then light jelqing. I realized I still wanted to gain enough length where pumping wasn’t a great idea right now, as most girth work probably isn’t.
The first week was when i was doing most of my research and weeks 2-4 I consistently followed this routine. (Testicular health massage added in the last week.)
10 Min Rice Sock Warmup
Testicular Health Massage with 60 pulls (To help me get rid of my turkey neck)
Hanging 6 sets x 4.5lbs x 20min
Testicular Health Massage 60 pulls
10 min Reverse Jelqing
I began with four sets Hanging Week 2, five sets Week 3, and for the last few days 6 Sets.
I’ve maximized my privacy time and after this week I will begin adding weight, 1lb a week.
No huge gains, I'm not measuring girth right now but I clearly have gained girth close to the base. My EL seems to be As you can see below on my Avatar I've made some nice gains in the same neighborhood as it was somewhere between 7-7.25 depending on my erection quality. My BPEL seems to have increased from 7 3/4 to 7 13/16's however. four weeks!
Very excited to chart the next four weeks of my journey!
Feb 14': EL: 7 1/8 BPEL: 7 1/2 EG (Base): 6 (Mid) 5 5/8 (Head): 4 1/8
Current: EL: 7 3/8 BPEL: 7 7/8 EG (Base): 6 (Mid) 5 5/8 (Head): 4 5/8