Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Going for girth


I’m doing something similar and I agree. My upper shaft is expanding more than ever.

I have changed up my routine a bit as follows:

I am now doing PE every other day with only kegels on my off days. This extra downtime does in fact seem to be exactly what my penis wanted. I do a very intense one hour session every other day and then leave the fella alone. My temp girth expansion comes on incredibly fast at this point to where simply doing one ULI brings me immediate gains and my glans is bigger than ever, staying full during erection.

-10min erect/semi erect bends
-1min ULI
-10min Frendo’s while squeeze and releasing my glans the entire time
-10min ULI
-10min slow squash jelqs and head mashers
-1min ULI
-10min Horse440(focused upon swelling CS as much as possible by squeezing glans and clamped off at base)
-1min ULI
-5min firegoat rolls

My glans has enlarged to 5.25” from the original less than 4.75” and the section of shaft that was the smallest in girth has shortened in length to basically one spot the width of seamstress measuring tape right below glans( used to be about a 2” area of smaller girth). My true base is over 6”, my lower base is 5.75”, my mid shaft is 5.5” and right below the glans to corona is tapers from 5.5” to 5.25”. My shaft used to be 4.75” all the way from near base to tip and I am just about calling it , mission accomplished :)

I do not want to keep doing this so intensely but will stick with it for one more month, before just doing a maintenance routine. I am happy as can be with my gains and will not obsess over the first inch or so of my 8.2 inches being slightly less. I am confident that I will have 5.5” girth upper shaft within the month and the lower portion continues to increase past my original goal of 5.5”.

As noted above, my current length is at 8.2” from an original 7.25”.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

My current routine:
-10min erect/semi erect bends
-1min ULI
-10min Pan squeezes( finger clamp base and press from top then sides with my other hand while resting on a table top)
-10min Double finger clamped ULI’s/slow jelq type things
-10min slow squash jelqs and head mashers while finger clamped
-1min ULI
-10min Horse440(focused upon swelling CS as much as possible by squeezing glans and finger clamped off at base)
-1min ULI
-5min firegoat rolls

I felt like every other day was not pushing hard enough, so I have returned to daily PE with maybe a day off each week depending upon fatigue.

I have again noticed that when finger clamping, if I reach much further along base pushing balls back and grabbing as close toward taint as possible, I am able to get a much larger plump while doing ULI’s.

I have ditched frendo’s and prefer to press with my palm against penis on the table now. I am able to generate more force this way and where I want it, as well as pulse the pressure if I wish rather than keeping it steady. This is also reducing the amount of discoloration vs clamping in frendos as I can exchange blood in shaft more often.

I will be measuring again around mid november and then deciding whether or not to drop down to a maintenance routine or keep things going for a few more months. I am quite happy with my gains, but when I see my new temp gain numbers and how much bigger things look than my original goals, it is tempting to keep chasing girth. After having perfected my routine and grips/forces involved, it seems I should see what kind of results come about.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

Following your progress. Awesome job so far man.

On having better technique and grip strength, I feel it is important to mention that I increase the pressure I am using about every 2 weeks. As grip/technique goes up, I increase the pressure I am using. If you use the same force all of the time, I feel that you become accustom to that force and stop gaining.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

Working on adding a new girth exercise:

Instead of pulling when doing a bundled stretch, I compressed the shaft like when doing a slow squash jelq or horse440(roughly 50-60% erection level while finger clamped at base). I was trying different things last night and this gave me some serious stretching. Today I can actually feel both chambers of my CC are sore with what feels like micro-tearing. I have not had a sore penis the day after PE and I regularly push myself very hard. Very excited to see what these can do, I am however taking today off because of the soreness.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

The bundled squash that I have been trying out is difficult to describe as far as the level of erection (maybe 20%) and the amount of plump from finger clamping at the base(maybe 70%). Whether from these squashes, a better grip and pressures, or from switching to table top presses rather than frendos, I have an obvious increase in my flaccid girth the last few days. The thing that excites me most is that this increase is in the CC’s and up to this point most of my growth has been in the CS.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

Current routine:

-10min ULI’s
-10min Pan Squeezes(Pressing tops and sides with palm on a table top, while finger clamped at base with high erection level)
-1min ULI
-10min slow squash jelqs and head mashers while finger clamped at base(I do these with a high erection level as well)
-1min ULI
-10min Horse 440’s ( I do these 2 different ways: For one, I flip penis so it is bottom up and engorged without erection and finger clamp the base with glans engorged. I then force the glans blood into the shaft and expand the hell out of the CS while exerting some pressure bringing hands together. For the second, I again flip penis so it is bottom up and squeeze the glans to empty the blood before finger clamping the base and compressing from tip to base between grips.)
-1min ULI
-10min Erect/Semi-erect bends
-1min ULI
-10min Twisted Horse/bundled SSJ type things ( done without erection but engorged and finger clamped at base. I will either flip once and compress while applying some twisting force as well or bundle a few times and then compress.)
-1min ULI
-5min Firegoat rolls

Doing bundled stretches has never caused any type of stretching feeling for me, even when twisted 3 times. However, even bundled half a turn and compressed leaves my CC’s feeling sore and I consider that a great sign.

Over the course of the last 3-4 months my penis has gone from a flat oval to a very cylindrical shaft with clear girth gains. Most gains however have been in the CS, which went from non-existent to as big as most any I see on the internet. Lately in having improved my grips and methods, I am seeing visual gains in the CC’s and if I can bring my shaft width from around 1.75” to near 2”, I feel my work here will be done. :)

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

New routine:

-10min ULI’s
-10min Pan Squeezes(Pressing tops and sides with palm on a table top, while finger clamped at base with high erection level)
-1min ULI
-10min slow squash jelqs while finger clamped at base(I do these with a high erection level as well)
-1min ULI
-10min Erect/semi-erect bends
-1min ULI
-5min Firegoat rolls

When doing table top presses, I use my palm while finger clamped at the base and use as much force as I can generate. Twice on the sides and from the top twice as well. I get huge glans expansion when doing these from the sides and really feel the CC’s getting torn up.

With SSJ’s I try to keep the shaft hard enough to have things stay centered/stable while compressing the glans by cupping with my palm. After about a minute of this, the shaft slowly starts to compress and widen. Doing these with a engorged hard penis is the only thing that is still able to give me edema and it is currently the most punishing exercise of the bunch.

Erect/semi-erect bends have gained new favor with me once I started doing them as hard and engorged as I could get. I stress that if you are doing any of these exercises that you go SLOW and be able to stop quickly. I finger clamp the base and apply steady pressure to the glans tilting at a downward angle. Over the course of a minute or so the shaft starts to expand and the penis eventually ends up bend completely downward. I do not do these in any other direction than down.

I use a super low ballsack hitting grip with all of these exercises when finger clamping at the base. You really need to get as far down on the CS as possible and you will see a big difference.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

I actually am only doing table top presses with 100% erection, the rest are done at around 75%. I will place both palms on top of shaft(dink is a bit longer than two hand widths) and press with nearly my entire body weight until erection starts to decline after about a minute. The sides of shaft must also be done at a lower erection level.

I am no longer able to give myself edema with current routine and I am looking for something new to punish the wang with.

Since cutting back on PE ,my erections are staying hard after orgasm allowing for immediate continuation with round#2 sex.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

I have been keeping an every other day PE routine for the last month or two.

My erection quality is a 10, I have less discoloration, and I am continuing to see gains.

My glans and CS are dramatically bigger, while the CC continues at a slower rate.

I have excellent results upon the CS using this: High erection level, finger clamp base and then deflate the glans blood into the CS along the shaft to the point of discomfort.

-5min Uli
-5min table top presses
-5min slow squash jelq
-5min horse
-5min base clamped glans squeeze
-5min Bends
-5min squeezes( high erection and squeeze along shaft with my hands trying to crush the bastard)
-5min firegoat rolls

My goal is to bring my upper shaft to a solid 5.5” before dropping down to a light maintenance routine. My gains are coming slower but still noticeable about every two weeks. I imagine at the current rate, that it will take about two months and my base girth keeps rising along the way.

This stuff works and puts my original cock to shame compared with the gains I have seen.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9


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