Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Going for length with Cookie

Going for length with Cookie

Hello fellow members, I’m CoolGuyCookie and I’m 20 years old .

A little bit about me, and what brought me here:
Being 20 years old I have my doubts and insecurities. I workout a lot and have acquired a pretty good body for myself so naturally after observing my body so much there came questions about different things and proportions. One of them being if I’m large enough. Seeing all those male models in porn where the average cock is pretty large made me wonder. So one day I sat for some time on my computer looking around the internet for the average size this led from one site to the other and after looking into ways to get a bigger dick fortunately skipping the magic pills and remedies I stumbled upon this site where this guy was showing exercises on how to get a bigger dick. Of course it was not free and so I tried to find a place where I could get all this information for free and that’s when I had the idea that there may be a penis enlargement community similar to a bodybuilding forum. So after looking at some articles I found one mentioning Thunder’s.
After being overwhelmed with the volume information I took a deep breathe and started venturing into the depths of this amazing place. And so after talking with some people and reading many threads I decided that it was time for me to start.

For the first part of my journey I want to focus on length gains. This is because from my understanding gaining length is hard and since I’m still not conditioned and my tissue is soft I want to take advantage of it and target length gains first. That being said it is time to take a look at my routine, why I constructed it the way I did and how I’m executing it.

From all the heating methods I found that ultrasound allows for the deep tissue to heat up to specific temperatures which from my understanding is very desirable. This is because the connective tissue is primarily composed of fibrous Extracellular Matrix and more specifically hard connective tissue which has a large quantity of collagen organised into tensile resistant fibrils providing the major resistance to mechanical forces such as pulling and thus requiring this deep heating element. This heating will allow heating the cross links between the fibrils and cause sliding which will result in the them starting to renew at a bigger length and thus produce more fibrils and new fibroblast cells.

I firmly believe in ”less is more” I have a fresh dick and I’m here for the long run so I don’t plan to rush gains and toughen it up because it will be counterproductive long term. That being said I will not go too much in depth with the scientific side of things, there are plenty of brilliant members here that have already talked about them a million times. Only thing I’m going to say as an advice to myself and also other people that are starting out now is don’t rush it. Tissue toughens up with daily loads especially when these loads are increasing. There is a lot of knowledge around here regarding this topic so please before you start do at least some research, this is not a race it takes time.
That said I am currently doing manual exercises, simple ones to be exact and so I cannot calculate loads but I know that they are very very light. I will soon be buying more equipment and for more accurate measurements in terms of strain and load. My inspiration for the setup that I’m going for is Igigis P2 system but I’ll also look at Kyrpas and construct my own system with my available budget and options. For now though until I get everything ready I will continue with really low load manual exercises. Lastly I would like to mention that I will be adding most of my inspiration to my routine in my favourite threads so you can check those out.

For now I am keeping it very simple but very inaccurate. I’m using the basic lengthening protocol that Igigi uses which is Stress relaxation, Ultrasound lengthening, and then I do some Cyclic stretches. The reason why my way of this is still inaccurate is because I’m only using my hands. To put this into perspective in the beginning I start by stretching very lightly with one hand for 5 minutes, then the other hand for 5 minutes. After that I rest my unit on my leg and trying to keep a very small amount of tension with my hand I operate the US with the other hand for 10 minutes. For the last part of my workout I do cyclic stretches and the way I do them is 15 seconds very light pulling, then 15 seconds a small increase in load and then full release for 15 seconds. In the end of the workout I do 30 jelqs and then I take a hot shower. I follow this routine in cycles of 5 or 6 days with 3 days on and 2 or 3 days off. I will be doing this and measuring strain as I do it until I get everything ready with my setup or I find something counterproductive in my current execution whichever comes first. I guess I can call this pre P1 as it is not actual protocol applied even though I am trying to in some extent but with many inaccuracies. I am planning to take a break before I step in my actual P1 with my full setup ready but I don’t know when that will happen maybe when newbie gains stop or when I get everything set.

Lastly I’d like to thank all the members for taking the time to write their experiences and findings here on Thunder’s. There is an abundance of information and I can’t wait to dive right in.
Also if you find anything wrong with my current routine or would like to make suggestion, ask me or help me out please by all means do so, I’m still learning so every bit of information would really help me out.

Sounds great bro. Will be awesome to see your results

Young, apparently calm, and mature. You must already be proud of yourself. I will be following your routine! Unhurried! (even though I want to hurry myself hahaha)

Measurement Pics

This is a great time to take pics with measurements of your unit. If you don’t, you will look back and wish you did.

example: what’s your?
BPEL - ?
BEG - ?
MSEG - ?


I wish I had known about this stuff at your age…

Ultrasound Creep Method Log

SEP052021 BPEL 6 3/16" - 15.7cm --> SEP212021 - BPEL 6 3/8” - 16.19cm

SEP052021 MSEG 5 3/16" - 13.1cm --> SEP212021 - Mseg 5 1/4” - 13.33cm

Originally Posted by spenticus
Sounds great bro. Will be awesome to see your results

Thank you very much my friend!

Originally Posted by Umsonhador

Young, apparently calm, and mature. You must already be proud of yourself. I will be following your routine! Unhurried! (even though I want to hurry myself hahaha)

Thank you very much for your kind words. No need to rush anything! We’re here for the long run.

Originally Posted by wigzley
This is a great time to take pics with measurements of your unit. If you don’t, you will look back and wish you did.

Example: what’s your?
BPEL - ?
BEG - ?
MSEG - ?


I wish I had known about this stuff at your age..

I have taken pictures and I document most of these stats.
I have posted my starting measurements here on Thunder’s and will continue updating those as I see increases.

Two Cycles Done.

I have successfully completed two cycles. (A cycle is a 5 day period consisting of 3 workout days and 2 rest days.)

Having never worked on my unit before, the results have been too good to be true and let me explain.
Raw statistics for those of you who are too bored to read through the entire post:
BPFSL from 16.6 to 17.3 / 4.2% increase
BPEL from 16.6 to 17 / 2.4% increase
6 workouts 35 minutes each / 3.3 hours total
4 rest days.

10 Minutes low tension constant manual stretch
10 minutes low tension constant pull while heating with US
10 minutes low tension cyclic stretching
30 jelqs using lubricant

I am not using any sort of device to apply the loads on my penis. I am going by feel and while the results have been positive some things need to be set straight.
My interest apart from getting a bigger unit is to provide scientific data as a test subject on what Kyrpa and other brilliant members have been building as a protocol.
With my current methods, although the heating method is somewhat similar, the rest lack a big amount of variables which are there but are unknown.
For starters even though I am using a US device to heat, I am by no means reaching the temperatures discusses by the protocol. The reason for that is because I don’t have any sort of device to measure the internal temperature and thus because I don’t want to damage my unit I am heating for only 10 minutes due to fear of exceeding it. This is partially because I don’t use the US Pro 2000 and thus I can’t just follow some of the other members time tables, and, even if I did follow them I still would get different results due to the difference in volume from member to member. Concluding until I am able to measure temperatures I will not be heating for more than 10 minutes.
Secondly I’m not just straining and this is because put simply, a specific increasing or not load is the input and the desired stress relaxation of the unit under that load is the strain or output and it ends there. With my method we are looking at pulling force where even if the desired strain is achieved, the force is still there and just time dependant PLUS since it is manual there is no way as far as I know to actually measure that load and its for sure not constant so I can’t define it as creep either. Because even though the time variable is there at 10 minutes, the load is not.
Lastly I am very happy that just with 30 jelqs, BPEL follows up on my BPFSL increase so well.
Even though we cannot accurately reproduce these 10 days due to the reasons I have mentioned, positive progress has been made.

I will continue with my method for now until I am able to get everything set up in a controlled environment in regards to loads and temperatures or until I start noticing a large decay in gains, indicating that its time for a break.
It saddens me that I cannot produce a protocol with controlled variables for the time being but we are getting there, at least I can see some increase in size which as far as I know is on the high end of the spectrum as far as newbie gains go.
We will see in the 2-3 month mark what I will achieve and thus conclude on my question from the beginning which is:
”If a newbie uses deep tissue heating methods, can we see a larger increase in comparison to conventional heating methods”

Questions for the Veterans
I need a good extender or vacuum hanger from EUROPE, any suggestions?
I need to buy a device to use while heating to measure internal temperatures, maybe thermocouples of some sort, any suggestions?
And lastly is there anything that I have wrote which is wrong regarding creep and strain?

Thank you very much for helping me in advance.

I’ll be curious to follow your results. I just started 1.5 weeks ago. I got pretty close to my physiological limit today, just in time for a 2 day rest! Listening to my body.

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

I am back!

So I took a break because I wanted to get a better set up, and after saving up, ordering and getting everything sorted I’m finally ready.

The new setup consists of a PmPro cup (only vacuum I could find here) and I’m using the ADS attachment on it without the strap just the metal part that attaches to the cups head. On that I have attached a scale and then a bungee cord attached to the leg of a table. Its very simple but works. I set a chair on a 90 degree angle to the table so that the bungee cord runs right and so my dick sits on my quad with the ventral side up.

I’m still experimenting with the weight but today I went for 0.5kg constant tension for 15 minutes while heating with ultrasound and then killed the heat and continued for 10 more minutes.

I had no slippage nor discomfort using the PmPro so I’m very satisfied with the results. Time will tell how it will handle bigger weights but for now I’m not planning on increasing.

Strain after the routine was 3.5% which is pretty good, next time ill go for 20 minutes of US and see if there’s any difference.

I’m planning to do this 1-2 times a week since I’m not in a rush (1on-3off).

Quick Update.

I used the PMPro extender today for a workout instead of the bungee cord scale setup.
The application was way easier and I spent about 35 minutes in total stretched with 25 of them under US and then 10 more without heat.
The results were a really good 4.7% increase in BPFSL.
Downside is I don’t know the exact load since there is no scale and also because the extenders load is relatively low by default I think about 1.2kg max maybe even less I think it might be limiting in the long run but for now I might just stick to it since the results are good.
Eyeballing it from how low the springs get I think I was using about 0.5-0.7 kg of pulling force.

13 February

PMPro 20 minutes with extender, 5.5% strain
20 jelqs


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