Grnry's Progress
Hey y’all! Joined a month ago and though I should fully commit and make a post.
When I started I was FL: 4” FG: 4.125” BPEL: 6” EG: 4.75”
After one month I am FL: 4” FG: 4.25” BPEL: 6.125” EG: 4.75”
Flaccid length is weird for me to measure so I hope I’ve got the correct measurements. After one month, I’ve gained flaccid girth +.125” and erect length +.125”. I’m intrigued by the fact that my erect girth hasn’t increased. Has anyone experienced this, where flaccid increases but not in erect?
My routine:
5-10 mins rice sock
-Helicopter spins clockwise and counterclockwise
-Manual pulls in all directions*
*I was doing kegels while pulling but I’ve been reading that putting too much force while doing manuals is not such a good idea. I may stop doing this for several weeks and observe my gains*
Jelqs, 80x 3, each 2-3 secs
Pumping 2-3 10 mins sessions
5-10 mins rice sock
Just now incorporating kegels. I do this during my commute to and from school.
I think I may be a little too eager so I may drop my jelqs down to 50x 3. Any comments and feedback on my routine? Let me know!