Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Grnry's Progress

Grnry's Progress

Hey y’all! Joined a month ago and though I should fully commit and make a post.

When I started I was FL: 4” FG: 4.125” BPEL: 6” EG: 4.75”
After one month I am FL: 4” FG: 4.25” BPEL: 6.125” EG: 4.75”

Flaccid length is weird for me to measure so I hope I’ve got the correct measurements. After one month, I’ve gained flaccid girth +.125” and erect length +.125”. I’m intrigued by the fact that my erect girth hasn’t increased. Has anyone experienced this, where flaccid increases but not in erect?

My routine:

5-10 mins rice sock
-Helicopter spins clockwise and counterclockwise
-Manual pulls in all directions*
*I was doing kegels while pulling but I’ve been reading that putting too much force while doing manuals is not such a good idea. I may stop doing this for several weeks and observe my gains*
Jelqs, 80x 3, each 2-3 secs
Pumping 2-3 10 mins sessions
5-10 mins rice sock
Just now incorporating kegels. I do this during my commute to and from school.

I think I may be a little too eager so I may drop my jelqs down to 50x 3. Any comments and feedback on my routine? Let me know!

Sounds pretty good as long as you aren’t hurting yourself. Keep up the challenge and stay focused.

Thanks, I will! I’m determine to get bigger :)

Me too, only thing is I don’t get the time I need to do a good routine.

Hey y’all, here’s another update. I measure only once a month so this post won’t have any measurements. I decided to modify my routine a bit.

My main focus is length so I’m trying to include workouts that’ll help. My new routine:

5-10 mins rice sock
-Helicopter spins clockwise and counterclockwise
-Manual pulls in all directions
Jelqs, 50x 3, each 2-3 secs
5-10 mins rice sock

I decreased the jelq amounts but increased the grip force. Should I continue pumping even if my focus is on length? Should I pump only when I feel my progress in length is where I want to be? What other lengthening techniques should I include?

Next post I will try to include some pictures so feedback on anything and everything is appreciated!

My routine seems to be giving girth, but I have the same goal in that I want length. My goal is 8” or 20cm. If you hit the jackpot and succeed in just length then share your secret with me please.

Good luck, Grynry!

Stick with it.

P.S. I replied to the question you posted on my thread.

Good luck!


Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

For sure BPTony! I’m down with helping others get bigger haha.

Thanks SoundSoul_Grow! I’m really appreciating your thoroughness and commitment to your process!

Hey y’all!

I want to post a pic although I don’t see a button I can press to attach a photo. Can someone navigate me? Or can a mod move this threat to “Progress Reports and Pictures?”

I measured a few days ago and gained 1/8” (.125”) in length! Girth is the same. I’m choosing to not record flaccid measurements at the moment. I may record it in the future.

I’ve added fowfers to my routine so hopefully this will help with length gains. I’ve increased my jelq to 3 sets of 60, going to increase to 70 maybe next week. It’s becoming a little tricky to balance PE with school and studying, hopefully things won’t get too crazy!

Hey y’all! If you’ve notice, my posting has been at 1 month intervals. Measured today and gained an additional 1/8”. Haven’t entered into my stats yet but I think I’m making steady progress!

Unfortunately, I’m going to have to put off PE for bit. Having relatives stay for a bit. Really sucks because I was hoping to hit 6.5” before the end of this year, which with my progress, would’ve been totally doable. Until next time!


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