Gunnagetthere's Routine

Warm up in shower5min, manual stretches ( V stretch, A stretch, all directions) 10-15min. Jelqing 50% erection, increasing intensity 10-15min. Jelq squeezes, slinkeys, 5min. Warm down, 5min. Recently began pumping every other day for 20min at 5hg. And clamping on non pumping days, twice a day for 10min.

Recently began hanging. Worked up to 15lbs in three weeks. Now I hang 1set 15lbs for 20 min followed by 2-3 sets at 8.5lbs for 20 min each. All sets BTC or SD.
Other Things Used

Devices Used
Vacuum pump
Homemade bib style hanger
Imported from old PE database