Halfbreed's Routine
Warm up is always; Shower
One minute stretch each direction (4 min)
Pull around dowel and hold for 1 minute in front and behind, do at bottom, middle, top (6 min)
January: 6 x 50 jelqs, first set easy. Contact and relax after each set 5 seconds x 5. Usually every other day or skip weekend. Same warm up/ stretch on off days, just no exercise.
Feb: 8 x 50 jelqs. Same otherwise as January.
March: 10 x 50 jelqs. Sometimes longer stretch periods on off days. Otherwise the same.
April: 10 x 50 jelqs plus 10 push jelqs* after each 50 on Sunday and wed. 5 x 50(+10 PJ) on Monday and thr. Took one week off after third week. Came back on wed stronger it seemed. Otherwise same.
Other Things Used
super jelq, PNF stretch
Devices Used
dowel rod
Imported from old PE database