Hardbody29's Routine

Started wet jelqing at age 16.
Jelqed off and on till age 29 following no routine.

March - May 2011, Sept 2011 to March 2012 5 days a week jelq 6 days stretching
Start BPFSL 7.5 End BPFSL 8.0
3-5min hot water dunk
5-10 min manual stretching mostly down 30 sec per stretch
2min hot water dunk
repeated throughout day 2-4 times with dunk before and after.
5 min wet jelq
3-5min hot dunk

Nov 1 2012
morning 30-35min start to finish
3-5min hot water dunk for warm up
wet jelq for 10 min overhand grip
2 min hot water shower to rinse off lube
10 min manual stretching 40-50 seconds per stretch in each direction + v and inverted v stretches

evening 20 min start to finish
5 min hot water shower for warm up
10 min manual stretching 40-50 seconds per stretch in each direction + v and inverted v stretches
5 min dry jelq overhand grip
Imported from old PE database