Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Harusen's Stealth Progress Report

Ninja Log: Day 47

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

By God’s grace, I woke up early…like 2:55 o_o

I had morning wood again! (yay!)

I couldn’t go back to sleep so at 4:00 am, I waited until my wife used the bathroom then I grabbed a cup of water with sea salt to hydrate. After drinking, I headed to the shower.

- 3 minute dry brushing (started to dry brush my unit too…why not?)

140 Jelqs Conditioning Program today:

* Hot Kegel clenches (100 kegels - 3 sec hold)
* Basic stretches x 2 sets x 5 positions (31 sec hold)
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Dry Jelqs (140 w/ 4 sec stroke) +1 - downward stroking while holding a kegal. I will sometimes stroke to the left (I have a slight right curve). I also did self-talk that timed to 4 seconds instead of counting stoke pressure. I said to myself: “More length. More girth.” Why not? :D
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Hot Kegel clenches (180 kegels - 1 sec hold) - varied the tempo of the metronome to help in practicing kegels at different speeds.


Post workout: Contrast body shower (2 min warm/hot water then 2 min cold) then cold blast on testicles until they are firm.

Another excellent workout in the bag!

Tanaka is looking healthy and girthy! Yay!

Thanks for stopping by and following my process! I appreciate you!


Ninja Log: Day 48

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

Today is rest day.

Morning wood has been EVERYDAY and I am just delighted out of my mind because when I turned 40, MW stopped.

I did my contrast shower and did testicle stretches in all directions then ended the contrast shower with cold blast on the boys.

Also exploring the Subliminal PE thread here on Thunder’s Place…downloaded Subliminal Blaster 4 from SourceForge. Hey, why not? :)

Morning wood is great, it means that you are heading in the right direction.

I’m 58 and I now wake up nearly every morning with heavy wood. I rarely did before PE. I also get wood regularly in the middle of the night. I truly didn’t think this was possible anymore.

Keep at it Harusen, this stuff really works!

Thank you kindly, Seneca, and thanks for stopping by. :)

Keep up the good work man. I am so surprised how many fellas give up without really trying. You have to MAKE time for it. Be positive and think about how your cock is growing when edging and other exercises. Above all be patient and enjoy the journey.


Beginning stats 3/2010: BPEL: 6" Flaccid: 3.5" Erect Girth: 5.25

Stats as of 9/2022: BPEL: 8" Flaccid: 7" Flaccid Girth: 5.25 Erect Girth: 6 5/8"

Thank you kindly, HW, and thanks for stopping by!

Ninja Log: Day 49

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

By God’s grace, I woke up at 4:50-ish am.

Morning wood again! Yay!

Time to attack the day!

Time for weekly shape report (if you need explanation on what the shape report is…check out my post on Ninja Scroll: Day 42).

>> Shape report score: 84 out of 100! (vast improvement over last week’s 34!)

(Shower PE Time):

*3 minute dry brushing
* 5 minute hot water blast on penis to warm up
* Hot Kegel clenches (100 kegels - 3 sec hold)
* Basic stretches x 2 sets x 5 positions (31 sec hold)
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Dry Jelqs (140 w/ 4 sec stroke) +1 - different directions while stroking & holding a kegel on the forward stroke. I lost count so I did extra 15. I continue to use the self-talk “More length…more girth.”
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Hot Kegel clenches (180 kegels - 1 sec hold) - varied the tempo of the metronome to help in practicing kegels at different speeds. I also did extra 20.


>> Post workout: Contrast body shower (2 min warm/hot water then 2 min cold) then cold blast on testicles until they are firm. I did self-talk telling my penis that he did a good job and that I love him. I also told him that he’s perfect. Funny to say this? Read more below…

>> Observations: Strangely, I lost some EQ during jelqing. Oh well…I got back to the arousal level and erection level as needed then continued.

I had mixed feelings about this workout yet I will stay positive. I have added Subliminal PE as well so I’m excited to see how this works. I did notice my flaccid has been heavy which is one of the affirmations I placed in Subliminal Blaster 4. :D

In addition, when I was doing the workout, I would repeat to myself, “I love myself…I forgive myself…I accept myself.” This may seem sort of flowery or “woo woo”…check out the Subliminal PE for more explanation…I think there is something about loving yourself that will unlock great potential.

Rest day scheduled tomorrow then the conditioning schedule will be 2 on and 1 off. I like how this conditioning program “shocks” the penis through variety and guessing. :)

Thanks for reading and stopping by!

Hey Harusen, I like your progress reports, but what is Dry Brushing? I tried the search function but it always separates the phrase to dry, and brushing is very vague. Keep up the good work! In lieu of your progress reports I plan on doing the same after I reach the one month mark.

Starting (April-11-16): BPEL: 5.75" MEG: 5.25" NBPFL: 3.5"

Goal, the first: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 5.5" NBPFL: 4"

Originally Posted by GuyIncognito
Hey Harusen, I like your progress reports, but what is Dry Brushing? I tried the search function but it always separates the phrase to dry, and brushing is very vague. Keep up the good work! In lieu of your progress reports I plan on doing the same after I reach the one month mark.

Hi Guy…so good to see you here. :)

Dry brushing is the process of using a shower brush or shower glove and exfoliating the skin in an upward motion toward the heart. I have been doing this practice for months. You can find out more here: The health benefits of dry skin brushing -

Thanks for stopping by again and hope to see you soon. :)

Ninja Log: Day 50

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

By God’s grace, I woke up early…sort of groggy. :-S

I think because I stayed up to 11:00 massaging zee wife. Oh well.

Rest day today so I did my:

- 3 minute dry brushing
- Testicle massage (12 minutes)
- Contrast shower

Hanky panky scheduled for tonight with the wife! Woo Hoo!

New 160 Jelqs workout will start tomorrow. 2 on and 1 off. The fun continues!

Thanks for stopping by and reading! I appreciate you! :D

Ninja Log: 51 and 52 (ULTIMATE COMBO!)


Man, things have been busy!

Excellent morning wood even after Saturday’s hanky panky!

All good signs!

Everything is the same with the exception of 160 Jelqs now. I am also exploring ballooning and edging too.

Anyway, rest day tomorrow! Take care and thanks for stopping by!

Ninja Log: Day 53

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

Rest Day!

By God’s grace, I woke up with partial wood and then
~ OUTTA NO WHERE I went full on hard (I’m talking about felt like a steel rod!). I was amazed!

I did my morning testicle exercises in the shower and contrast shower then finished with a cold blast on the testes.

Thanks for stopping by and reading…and remember…Everyday is awesome!

P.S. I am thinking that edging may be helping. I edged before I slept the night before plus I did the horse stance last night before bed too.

Ninja Log: Day 54

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

~ The streak is over!


I admit I was disappointed…still I see this as a learning opportunity.

I have been training legs hard. That could be it. Could be soy in the diet. Could be a mental block. I didn’t edge before sleeping. Could be it.

Nevertheless…not the time to stop…instead keep going and learn. That’s my ninja way!

Penis Taijutsu training summary:

* Hot Kegel clenches (100 kegels - 3 sec hold)
* Basic stretches x 2 sets x 5 positions (31 sec hold)
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Dry Jelqs (160 w/ 4 sec stroke) +10 - lost count again…sigh. There was times where I had to stop and get back to erection level. I did along with self-talk
* Helicopter shake (31 sec) + extra 10 sec
* Hot Kegel clenches (180 kegels - 1 sec hold) +10 extra for good measure.

Thanks for stopping by to read!

Ninja Log: Day 55

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

I researched about increasing my testosterone and I found out that eating fat before I sleep (e.g. coconut oil and/or whole milk yogurt) can help in the production. I also prayed about having morning wood. Plus, I did some ballooning before sleeping (3 times).

The result?


By God’s grace, I had morning wood again!

Still 160 Jelq Workout this week:

* Hot Kegel clenches (100 kegels - 3 sec hold)
* Basic stretches x 2 sets x 5 positions (31 sec hold)
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Dry Jelqs (160 w/ 4 sec stroke) +10 - lost count again…sigh. There was times where I had to stop and get back to erection level. I did along with self-talk
* Helicopter shake (1 minute)
* Hot Kegel clenches (180 kegels)
* Helicopter shake (2 minutes)

>> Insights:

* Since helicopter shakes have a low injury factor, I did these longer. In fact, I like them so much that I may do them daily as well.
* I found a tally counter app so now I can’t lose count on my reps. This really helpful.
* Keeping the erect level high has been a major challenge and I welcome it!

Thank you for taking the time to visit. Have a nin-tastic day! :D

Ninja Log: Day 56

Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!

I am unsure if I had morning wood or not. :-S

Anyway, I finished the 8 wekk Conditioning Program!

Based on my calculations, I gained girth (+0.158 in/+0.401 cm) and loss length (either legitimately or I measure wrong when I first started the conditioning program).

I refuse to be discouraged and today will be rest day.

I didn’t lose anything instead I gained more experience and this is priceless!

Lord willing, we will start a new beginner program on Saturday!

Thank you for stopping by!


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