Ninja Log: Day 47
Ohayou Gozaimasu Thunderers!
By God’s grace, I woke up early…like 2:55 o_o
I had morning wood again! (yay!)
I couldn’t go back to sleep so at 4:00 am, I waited until my wife used the bathroom then I grabbed a cup of water with sea salt to hydrate. After drinking, I headed to the shower.
- 3 minute dry brushing (started to dry brush my unit too…why not?)
140 Jelqs Conditioning Program today:
* Hot Kegel clenches (100 kegels - 3 sec hold)
* Basic stretches x 2 sets x 5 positions (31 sec hold)
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Dry Jelqs (140 w/ 4 sec stroke) +1 - downward stroking while holding a kegal. I will sometimes stroke to the left (I have a slight right curve). I also did self-talk that timed to 4 seconds instead of counting stoke pressure. I said to myself: “More length. More girth.” Why not? :D
* Helicopter shake (31 sec)
* Hot Kegel clenches (180 kegels - 1 sec hold) - varied the tempo of the metronome to help in practicing kegels at different speeds.
Post workout: Contrast body shower (2 min warm/hot water then 2 min cold) then cold blast on testicles until they are firm.
Another excellent workout in the bag!
Tanaka is looking healthy and girthy! Yay!
Thanks for stopping by and following my process! I appreciate you!