Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Iamjacks Hanging Progress Log

Iamjacks Hanging Progress Log

So I decided the best way to keep myself motivated would be with a log.

I did about half of the beginner routine about 3 years ago and stopped. I noticed gains then but life happened and I couldn’t continue. When I started again I started hanging because I wasn’t a fan of jelqing. I can hang or clamp while I work, but I can’t Jelq. I am using an LG Hanger and I also use a bath mate X40 usually twice a day and I clamp Usually 3 10 minute sets a day.

I am lucky enough to work from home most days and I live alone so I have the ability to PE a lot through the day.

I don’t have measurements from before I started

My measurements as of 11/06/2015 are
BPFSL - 7.50”
BPEL - 6.75”
FL - 6.0”
FG - 4.5”
Clamped girth - 5.5”

Hours in hanger
SD - 10:00
BTC -18:00
Light weight (3.5lbs) - 4:21

I have had a BPFSL gain since I started, and so far my FL and FG how went up incredibly. I was such a grower before I started that I hated going swimming for fear of looking like I didn’t have a dick lol

My erection quality is through the roof, I have erections so hard that it feels like the skin is gonna pop, and I have morning wood for the first time in forever.

Another point-

Last night I had the unfortunate luck of seeing some messages between my now ex girlfriend and her best friend. She was saying that she loved the way I treated her and her son and that it was so hard but that I don’t do it for her sexually., and she didn’t think it was going to work. And that she was texting an ex BF who apparently has a pretty large member and she was telling her friend she didn’t find him attractive but the sex was amazing. I was crazy about this girl so that stung a little.

I don’t think I have a small penis, but I could definitely stand an increase in my opinion. So I plan to be very committed to PE moving forward. Any comments are appreciated and please help keep me motivated!




5am - 10 minute warm up bathmate in tub
5:10-6am Hung BTC 7.5lbs 50minutes total
Clamped - 10 minutes afterwards

7 am - Hung BTC 7.5lbs 30 minutes
Clamped - 10 Minutes afterwards

5pm - BTC 35 minutes
Clamped 10 minutes

10 pm - 10 minutes Bathmate in tub

AM workout
Bathmate - 10min for warm up
Hung - BTC/SD 7.5lbs 66 minutes
Clamped 3 sets 10 minutes

Clamped Edging
Bathmate - 10 minutes 2 sets

Little sore today so I skipped my evening hanging session.

Total Hanging time - 30 hours all BTC/SD

Short term Goal
BPEL 7.5
MEG 5.25

Longterm Goal

Measurement update -

Decent morning wood this morning -

BPEL - 85% erection 7.0”
MEG - 4 7/8”
BEG - 5.5”


Bathmate 10 minutes

Hung BTC/SD 1 hour

Hung Fulcrum with Metal rod - 25 minutes

Clamp 3x 10 minute with 3 clamps

Clamped Edging 40 minutes

Bathmate 10 minutes


All times are GMT. The time now is 11:47 PM.