I'm tired of feeling less, it's time for progress
Hey guys, I’ve been lurking the forums for a while trying to make up my mind if I should start or no. The thing is, I’m rather scared for all the problems a lot of people seem to have, but I really want the benefits of PE. I did try it last year I think, but I dropped it in the same week. So this time I’m in for good.
So, a little about me. I’m 20 years old, going to be 21 this year. My current penis size is 6,8” BPEL x 4,7” EG. I’m starting PE because of my frustration I live in my sex life. I diagnosed myself with premature ejaculation, but I know it’s not a physical deficiency, because there have been times where drunk I could go about over an hour (I think twice or trice) but that isn’t enough for me, on a regular sex encounter I won’t last past 10 minutes, and that is going very slowly about it. Also I could never give vaginal orgasm to a girl, that I know of. I have a healthy diet and go to the gym regularly, so my physical state is pretty good, but on the psychological side, I’m very anxious and often insecure.
This is the routine I will follow, I planed it to be very safe and for a steady growth. Since I’m just a newbie I would like some input about this plan.
-5 min. Warm ups before and after.
I will split the week into two parts, Monday (1) and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (2).
Week 1: (1) 10 wet jelqs. (2) 20 wet jelqs.
Week 2: (1)(2) 20 wet jelqs.
Week 3: (1) 20 wet jelqs. (2) 30 wet jelqs. Stretching 30 sec, e/a direction.
Week 4: (1) 30 wet jelqs. (2) 40 wet jelqs. Stretching.
And so on until week 8 when I will be doing 80 wet jelqs and stretching, then I will see from there.
I will post my progress every Friday night.