ImOnly5Inches' Routine
Searched around and picked up this routine from Raz_; I noticed he was able to gain .75 in 3 months time, in length. Looking forward to trying this routine to see what I can get.
Month 1 (March 21st, 2014) : “pre-newbie routine” for 1 month. 5 minutes warm-up, 2 minutes manual stretch, 5-10 minutes jelqing, 50 kegels, 5 minutes warm-down. 2 on, 1 off.
Month 2 (April 21, 2014) - Started newbie routine. 5 minutes warm-up, 5 minutes simple manual stretching, 10 minutes jelqing, 50-100 kegels, 5 minutes warm-down. Increasing duration over the month. 2 on, 1 off.
Month 3 (May 21st, 2014) - Continued Jelqing and simple manual stretching. Minimum 12.5 minutes stretching, 20 minutes jelqing, 150 kegels. 2 on, 1 off, ocasional change to 3 on, 1 off.
Imported from old PE database