Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Introduction - Progress report


Woke up with a hangover today, forced myself to do the usual routine. Was a bit harder to keep a hard on but I’m sure that had to do with the pounding headache. Tomorrow is day off.

Morning wood, usual routine. I’m starting to get back the EQ I lost during my 4 days break. It’s not extremely hard as it was then but it’s getting there. I don’t think I should do any other short breaks unless I actually get an injure. This is mid week 3, will measure again at end of week 4.

Morning wood, same routine. So far I did not notice any “temporary” gains, after exercising. To me it looks and feels the exact same when I JEQL it and when I don’t, same size throughout all day. Maybe it’s just too early, or I’m not pushing hard enough.

Same routine, as usual. Today a single red spot appeared in the middle of the shaft. Will probably take a rest day tomorrow instead of doing two days in a row.

Morning wood yesterday, Morning wood today. Red spot was gone yesterday mid afternoon. Did some very light jeqing today and package is feeling pretty beat up. Not touching it for another day or two, until it feels brand new again.

Morning wood today, no morning wood yesterday. Warm up, 2 min stretches, 10 mins JEQL and warm down. 10x 1 min kegels. Today I accidentally dropped the IV lamp on my package. Hurt like hell, that thing is hot as hell, don’t do that. Ever. Luckily not a major burn. That was a couple hours ago, not feeling any pain anymore so that’s good.

Next week I’ll be forced to not do it for three days in a row, (19, 20 and 21), will measure it on 21st. Plan to get an accurate measurement is to do it several times a day with 80%, 90% and 100% EQ then compare the results. I’m really tempted to measure it right now but don’t want to ruin the surprise.

I have definitely noticed an increase in thickness, not really in NBPEL, which is good as that was my goal. Let’s see what the ruler says when I shove it down to the bone.

One other thing I’ve noticed is that I have more foreskin now. I’m uncut, it’s not noticeable when I’m hard or when it’s “closed”, but when I pull it down there’s clearly more skin than I used to have. That doesn’t bother me at all and I don’t really know what to think of it, but definitely worth logging.

This is a Month doing PE now. My current routine is

5 mins warm up
2 mins general stretching
15 mins wet jelq with a C grip. Half with an overhand grip
5 mins warm down
10x 1 min hold kegel

It’s been 4 days off PE, did some measurements today and was surprised with the results.

My initial stats:

NBPEL: 130mm (5.1in)
BPEL: 141mm (5.5in)
MEG: 129mm (5in)
EQ: 100% (or I thought so, after PE I’m pretty sure this was only 90% of what I could get to)

My current stats, at around 95% EQ:

NBPEL: 130mm (5.1in)
BPEL: 145mm (5.7in)
MEG: 131mm (5.15in)

I measured repeatedly over the day, with different EQs, and the maximum I got to, at 100% EQ was:

BPEL: 150mm (5.9in)
MEG: 135mm (5.3in)

Looking at other people’s reports and expectations for the first month I think this is pretty good. Definitely some increase. I can’t see it, but my package definitely feels thicker, and the ruler doesn’t lie. I’m starting a diet, trying to get rid of that fat pad to increase NBPEL. Tomorrow back to that regular routine.

Today was also the first time since I started PE that I had sex with my gf. She LOVED the improved EQ. Her comment was that it felt super hard inside. Seeing her lying down exhausted, and having to help her to stand up because she was shaking and had lost the strength in her legs after cumming several times was a huge boost in my confidence.

We also had a chat about her ex’s sizes that really made me feel great. Started with her saying “I don’t know why you’re doing these exercises, I already think you’re too big, I hope you don’t start hurting me”.
Then we went about past experiences, one small and thin, plus the guy had trouble keeping it hard. Point for me.
One huge and thick, that looked horrible and she never climaxed from sex. Guy’s personality was a huge turn off as well.
One large and about same girth as me, that didn’t make her cum either, guy was great and looked like a model, but never made her cum.

That, combined with my personal experience, I never failed to get a girl to orgasm from sex, and almost every girl that I had sex with, came back for a second round, reinforces my opinion that if you have a dick and you show that you know how to use it, you’re good enough to satisfy most women. Toy with her mind before toying with her body and you’re gold. Let her imagination do the hard work, just nudge her in the right direction. Talk dirty. Be confident. Pay attention to her body and to what she says, what positions and spots she likes, and when she’s horny as hell and begging for your manhood, slam that pussy as if you had a massive porn star dick, even if you don’t. It doesn’t matter.

I’ve always worried about having a small penis. These past few months reading the posts have made me a lot more confident and informed. I don’t worry about that any more. At all.

Thank you Thunders place.

Been away for a while. Had to take a forced break, so haven’t done anything over the past two weeks. Nothing health related. Had morning and night wood, and my increased size stayed, however I lost that 100% EQ again. Now is back to 90-95% and my girlfriend noticed the difference, saying it was definitely better while it was harder.

Back at the same routine, 2x on, 1x rest. At the end of 2nd month will measure again.

Two months in. Exact same routine, almost exactly same measurements. I gained some weight so have a smaller NBPEL.

NBPEL: 120 ~ 130mm (5.1in)
BPEL: 145mm (5.7in) ~ 150mm(5.9in)
MEG: 131mm (5.15in) ~ 135mm (5.3in)

Plan for month 3 is to stick to the same routine but add a few minutes of stretching and squeeze jelqs.

As of tomorrow:

5 minutes warm up (rice sock)
5 minutes general stretching
15 minutes jelq
1~5 minutes of squeeze jelq
Kegels (10 holds of 1min)
5 minutes warm down

Added heat using my IR lamp. Will measure again at end of month 3 and post updates here if anything unusual happens!

Three months in. Same size, no length or girth gains. EQ is off the charts, I get 100% hard instantly and keep it for pretty much as long as I want, even after ejaculating. (Or as long as my buddy wants, it’s hard to bring it down sometimes).

Two very positive comments from the girlfriend: it’s super hard, and feels thicker, she started having trouble going all the way in on blowjobs, and it feels awesome inside when it’s rock solid hard. Gets better if I contract PC muscle during sex. Learned a lesson here, I’m bumping up my kegels to try and keep it tight for longer.

NBPEL: 120 ~ 130mm (5.1in)
BPEL: 145mm (5.7in) ~ 150mm(5.9in)
MEG: 131mm (5.15in) ~ 135mm (5.3in)

Routine on month 3:

5 minutes warm up (rice sock)
5 minutes general stretching
15 minutes jelq
1~5 minutes of squeeze jelq
Kegels (10 holds of 2min - on month 4 will try to up this to 5 x 5 minutes if I can)
5 minutes warm down

See you in a month.


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