Jasperb29's Routine

-5 Minutes wrapped in hot wash cloth with towel around

-stretches, pull to one direction hold 15 seconds, switch hands, spend about 5 minutes or so.

-make sure at semi-erection, do 200 wet jelqs

-do 10 alternating really slow strokes squeezing end for 5 second count to work on girth

-100 more wet jelq

-take hot shower, let penis soak in warm water in shower for a few minutes, massage/stretch lightly

-Plan to increase jelqs/time as time goes on

-New to this, basing routine off of what others have posted, open and would greatly appreciate pointers and guidance!
Imported from old PE database

Start: 6.0 EL 5.5 EG

Goal: 8.0 EL 6.0 EG