Joeys123's Routine
I warm up in bath, get erection then start pumping with bathmate i pump my penis to maximum size and then wait for 3 minutes, then remove all water and start again this time pressing bathmate with full force of whole body so to expand beyond what i can do with just pressure from hands, I then repeat this until total time under pressure is about 12- 15 mins. Next I do some stretching exercises helicopter spins and what not, then get erection again ad do jelqs with as hard erection as i can, when i do this i can jelq my penis to sizes maybe 0.7 or so inches bigger in lengeth and 0.5 inches in girth than if i did not use bathmate, i will do 200 fully erect jelqs but will do more as time goes on as ive only just started and have been doing this for 4 days.
I may add more exercises in future,
Will start Kegals and also stomach vaccum exercises, sometimes i do reverse kegals with stretching.
I tried stretching with bathmate on but since i maximise pressure that increases my unit by about 1.5 inches i cant do them, instead just stomach vacuuming and kegals seem to stretch the ligs.
Devices Used
Imported from old PE database