Journey to 7 x 5.5
I will probably add more later
Current stats:
Age: 25
Weight: 205
Body fat: 29%
Height: 5’ 10”
BPEL: 6.5
FL: 4.5-5+
FG: 4-4.5
Major issue is with aesthetics. Glans barely enlarges during an erection, it is 1.5 x 1.5 which I don’t find acceptable. I also have a bad curve and I can feel the plaque on the shorter side.
So my major goals are as follows:
1) Improve EQ, especially glans EQ and to move HEG to a minimum of 5 (currently 4.5)
2) Hit 7 BPEL and drop body fat to under 15% so that I gain in the other direction as well
3) Short term goal of 5.5 MSEG, but eventually I need to hit 6 - maybe in 2 years or so
4) When I hit 7 x 5.5, a simple easy maintenance routine like pumping twice a week. I can’t maintain pulling on my dick for hours over a long period of time.
Now I am going to start with a newbie routine, but I’m thinking about an extender since there is documented scientific evidence that they increase HEG and that it should correct the curve to some degree.
Which newbie routine do you recommend?
Which extender do you recommend? I’m thinking about a vacuum extender like Size Doctor or Phallosan since they have a built in head pump. Hours of using that over a year and you are bound to get a mushroom head. Any recommendations and anyone have any experience with it?
I have realistic goals. I have weak erections now anyways. So I’m looking to improve overall health but I think I need to gain 1” in length and 0.5” in girth throughout the whole unit. I also want to keep it simple and I want those gains to be permanent.
Looking for help! Thanks!