Jp_47's Routine
Currently doing the Newbie routine;
10 minutes hot wrap,
10 minutes simple stretchs (3 sets, each set 6 x 30 secs),
10 minutes of wet jelqs ( 100-300, 2-3 second strokes),
10 minutes hot wrap,
100 no hold kegels (5 sets of 20)
After 3 months of the Newbie routine I have added clamping. I am using a cable clamp and doing 3 sets of 5 mins on the same day that I do the Newbie routine.
Moved (After roughly 4 months) to a 2 on 1 off routine, 1 day newbie routine, next day clamping. The clamping is up to 15mins per set.
August 2010 introduced Bathmate to the routine. 3-4 sessions of 1X20mins, 1 clamping session and 1 jelqing session per week.
Imported from old PE database