JustDaFacts' Routine

Warm-up and basic, manual stretches in the shower. 30 seconds each direction, followed by helicopter rotations for 30 seconds each way.

Exit shower. Lube up with pure Coconut Oil. Jelq for 20 minutes. Even if I get hard, I keep going, taking advantage of the girth-enhancing erect jelqs.

Once 20 minutes are up, I do 5-10 minutes of erect squeezes mixed with slow squash jelqs.

Once squeezes are done, I clamp up with 2 clamps (extreme uliis, basically) for 20 minutes.

Go commando, or wear basketball shorts for the day.

In the evening, I might do another 20 minutes of jelqs.

That’s it!
Other Things Used
Slow Squash Jelq, Clampin
Imported from old PE database

I used to PE for my future wife. Not anymore. I do it for me. GET THAT GIRTH!