Lilatatime's Routine

5 min hot wrap

Manual Stretches:

10-60 sec stretches in all directions every other day I add 2 90 sec fulcrum stretches.

I do 15 rotary stretches(in each direction) 1 to 2 times per week.

I do 20 JAI stretches after jelqing 1 or twice a week.

I have just started adding 2-30 sec bundle stretches 1 to 2 times a week.


Depending on time I do 300 or 400 3 sec jelqs. I add 60 sec horse sqeezes every 100 jelqs.


I finish my workout by doing 30-50 10 sec hold with a reverse kegel in between each squeeze. Then I do 100 quick kegels, followed up by a 50-100 sec (as hard as I can) kegel squeeze.
Imported from old PE database