Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Low-hanging progress report


I bought it. Its called a circle device. It is made of nickel and is one pound. I believe the pendulum motion I get while walking around multiplies the force on my shaft and allows more stress in less time. I’ve never tried an elastic string, but I doubt it would match the effectiveness.

Originally Posted by low-hanging fruit

I bought it. Its called a circle device. It is made of nickel and is one pound. I believe the pendulum motion I get while walking around multiplies the force on my shaft and allows more stress in less time. I’ve never tried an elastic string, but I doubt it would match the effectiveness.

Where would I go to buy one of these? I trust it didn’t cost all that much did it?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

I must note that had I seen Monty’s PE Weights before I bought my device that I would have bought from him. He’s a member here and one pound of weights from him is cheaper than the one pound weight I have. Mine was $120 and I got it from . Also, I can’t wear this thing through metal detectors, but I like it.

Last edited by low-hanging fruit : 06-30-2014 at .

I just started using the BIB starter four days ago and its much better than the BIB regular. All the force is applied in a more concentrated area of the shaft and this, I believe, places increased stress on a smaller area compared to the larger area the regular covers. ,

I’m up to 8.3 pounds

I have a lot going on. My length and girth and been going up and down more than likely due to daily stress and low EQ. Because of my tight schedule I have been experimenting with smaller amounts of work load on my dick. As the amount of things that I’m trying to accomplish goes up it seems that my penile tissues are capable of handling less stress.


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