Macro's "progress" log

I’ve been PEing for almost half a year now, but with minimal gains. I started logging my workouts late in January, and this is what I found.
Since then I have gradually increased my jelqs from 100 to 250 per session. My kegels and manual stretches have stayed about the same, averaging around 100 kegels and 6 stretches per session. Each session takes me around half an hour to complete, with most of the time spent on jelqing. I do a 1 on:1 off to 1:2 schedule, but have occasionally taken 3 days off in a row, which makes it feel less productive the next time I PE. However, my largest measurement came after taking nearly a week off, so maybe less can be more.

My EQ is decent, but not incredible. Nite/morning wood about same, able to get hard easily and edge for as long as needed. 7/10
Flaccid hang is sometimes good, sometimes not. I don’t consistently hang fuller after jelqing. Cold weather fucks me up. 6/10
No pain, soreness, numbness, or discoloration from PE; soreness from ejaculating only (edging/ballooning is fine).

My plan is to increase the frequency to 2 on:1 off, but decrease the duration of each session so I’m not spending all day with my dick in my hands. I want to replicate the easy, almost passive gains I made during my week off when I did not jelq but had great EQ and my best flaccid. During that week I kegeled and stretched a little, and stayed very “full” thanks to the weather. Unfortunately it got cold after that and I would turtle up at the end or even the middle of each session. I plan to keep a fuller flaccid hang by wearing warmer pants and a loose ADCR (maybe), trying some of that magical EVO, and edging more regularly but without coming too often. I also want to stretch a little more so I can finally see some length gains for once.
Tldr; I want to keep my dick warm and “maintain” it better every day, but without nutting all the time.

Any advice is welcome, I suck at this lol