Meatbuilder's Routine
45-60 minutes 5-6 days/week. Rice sock warm up for 5-10 minutes. Usually begin with wet jelq - 100-200 strokes @3-5 seconds each. Usually do 5-10 Ulis, sometimes interspersed with jelqing. 5-10 minutes of slinky work. So far mostly up and down; beginning to incorporate left and right bend slinkys, but taking it slow and easy on those. Usually skip warm down, but go straight to all day stretcher. After a.m. gym workout get at least 5 minute hot wrap in shower. Then back into all day stretcher. Aim for fairly gentle tension that lets me continue 8-10 hiurs. At higher levels of tension, sometimes have to remove aftet several hours. Sometimes if cut girth work short in morning girth, might do brief session of ulis or slinkys at bedtime.
Other Things Used
All day stretching
Devices Used
All day stretcher
Imported from old PE database