Mentok's Routine
Warm up in bathtub 5-10 min
Bathmate 10 min, starting on low pressure and increasing a bit every minute or so until almost full pressure the last minute
Jelqing 5-10 min
Bathmate 10 min, starting on mid pressure and increasing a bit every minute or so until I reach full pressure the last minute or so
Jelqing 5-10 min
If there is time i warm down 5-10 min soaking in the bathtub
I have begun doing “piss-pulls” every time I go to the bathroom, or as often as I remember, since reading tntjockeys post about it.
15 sec manual stretches up/down, left/right and straight out.
Devices Used
Bathmate X40
Imported from old PE database
Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG
Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG
Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG