Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Meshup's Progress Blog


REST DAY 9 7/6/15
WORKOUT DAY 16 8/6/15
WORKOUT DAY 17 9/6/15
REST DAY 10 10/6/15

Feeling great so far, almost one month has passed when I started doing my PE, feeling excited for the measurement day.

Started May 13th 2015: BPEL= 6.9" x EG= 5.2"

June 13th 2015: BPEL= 6.95" x EG= 5.25"

Final Goal: BPEL= 8" x EG= 6"


Current size:

BPEL 6.9” - 7” (Growth: Around 0.05 - 0.1)
EG: 5.2” - 5.3” (Growth: Around 0.05 - 0.1)

So, as you can see I have not grown very much. Almost not at all. Weird because I definitely thought, or felt bigger than before.?
I think I would definitely want some tips & tricks right now, since I have not grown almost at all over the one month period.

Atleast there is something positive! I think my flaccid hang is a littlebit bigger than before, and my veins pop a lot, like really a lot more these days, so that’s cool!
Also I’m pretty young, if that really matters.

So, any suggestions, or something from the masters of PE?

Same routine continuing tomorrow!

Started May 13th 2015: BPEL= 6.9" x EG= 5.2"

June 13th 2015: BPEL= 6.95" x EG= 5.25"

Final Goal: BPEL= 8" x EG= 6"

WORKOUT DAY 18 15/6/15

Wet jelqs, not feeling sore, workout day tomorrow. Also decided that I’m going to measure every 3 months from now on!

Started May 13th 2015: BPEL= 6.9" x EG= 5.2"

June 13th 2015: BPEL= 6.95" x EG= 5.25"

Final Goal: BPEL= 8" x EG= 6"


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