I have some questions about gains, routine, US, plateau, decons and kyrpa journey.
Gains BPEL - 1.75 ; BPFSL - didn’t measure at start
PLATEAU starts about 12 moths where I think did not made any BPFSL change and only minor BPEL change. I am still making some progress while in extender bcs my final elongation in extender is slightly longer each week but how I said no BPFSL progress.
My routine produces like 1cm fatigue (5%)
DECON I had every month 1 week break, and in my all PE career I had like 3x 1month break.
ROUTINE 1. Hanging with totalman heat pad (almost all gains here)
2. Apex extender SO with heat pad (little of gains) -currently doing
3. Heavy manuals with heat pad (tried for like 1 month but no results)
MY STATS: BPEL- 8.75, BPFSL - 8.75-9.25
MSEG- 5.6
1. Where and what is doing kyrpa, tutt and others? Did they find out that after decondition break there are no more gains?
2. Should I switch to girth focus? (I think there is no way bcs of my BPEL:BPFSL ratio is the same)
3. Should I go for longer deconditiong break? How long should it be?
4. I tried US while in extender on my ventral side while my hand is on the dorsal side for better wave traveling but feeling burn/pain in my hand/fingers is unbearable, I thing the waves are mirroring back when hit bones in fingers and it hurt. Can I use Just classical silicone on my dorsal side to replicate my hand? Or what materials are good?
5. I tried to manually pull OTL with one hand while with other hand using US but the US still pinch my leg when using on ventral side, when using on dorsal side it pinch my dorsal side. Also I have to move the transducer quiet fast Or it burn/pinch me. Any advice?
My device is US PRO 2000 2ND EDITION