Originally Posted by rinnegan870
So your initial set up is 99.95% of your BPEL and for 7-9hrs, just curious if this is not causing mad discomfort?
Because I’m 7’ BPEL and my 14cm set up already causes alot of tension for me. In the andro booklet it says starting initial set up is advised at BPEL minus 4cm for the first 20 days then increase gradually as indicated.
I’m just curious because I’m new to this stuff and open to better ways of doing it but also don’t want to overdo or injure xD cheers
Hi, forgot to say that I have had this extender for a little over a year and using it on and off without really committing to it.
Point is I have learned what lengths my unit can handle, and as written in the response above I actually had to go down to 17 cm as 18 cm, as you mentioned, caused some discomfort after about 45 mins in the stretcher.
Now with 17 cm it feels a whole lot better and I’m able to wear it for 60-80 mins straight before taking a short break in between sets.
Even vacuumed my house with it on. Though have to admit bending and such to grab things feels a little awkward, yet luckily not painful.
I too followed the instructions when I first got it and that way discovered over a little time that around 17-18 cm is pretty comfortable for me. It’s when I got to 19 and above that problems started occurring like pain and slippage.
Btw got 6 h in with 18 cm yesterday and now going strong on h 5 with new setting at 17 cm.
Feel free to experiment if you really want to, though do it carefully and remember I ain’t no expert.
Just saying.